What is not provided by Uncle Sam?

Did not know about the R-Day reimbursement. Oh well.

Our son called us this weekend, and I pressed this topic just to see if, now that he's almost done with his first year, he still believes he doesn't need any supplementing. Some of these posts made me wonder if we were being stingy. He told us about a grant card that can be filled by parents as a way to provide extra money, but he said he doesn't want or need us to do that and not to worry. He's very happy for a care package now and then but not to be concerned about his bank account. I was relieved because I'd started to wonder if he was missing out on any fun or activities due to limited/lack of funds. I know he'd never say anything. He said he just wished he had more time to spend the little he has, but there isn't much to spend it on.

I can sleep now. ;)
Heads Up! Anyone in your Company going Marine will have to get rid of all Navy gear and buy new Uniforms (I think it was another 3K with every thing included. Sabre not Sword which added a lot ). Get the stuff while it is still cheap and they are trying to get rid of it. Some Naval Academy issue will be allowed in the Fleet but USMC uniform is not for SWO.
Still waiting to hear back if my DS will receive an appointment but after reading all of these threads what should we expect to pay in taxes or is taxed on if he gets in?
So I know most things are paid for. Tuition, Room, Board, Clothing, Laptop...so what is not paid for? What about textbooks? How much monthly do parents send them? I was kind of thinking maybe an additional $100 or so to go with the $100 they net from their pay. Is that enough? Too much? Obviously it will need to be more if the books aren't paid for.
I was the Midshipmen Financial Advisor for 2 years while on shore duty and can tell you that all Midshipmen get the same gross pay. Then the MFA works out a budget over 4 years that is front loaded for uniforms, laptop, books, etc. Therefore the net ends up gradually increasing over the 4 years. When I was a Plebe back in 1984, it was $60 a month, but it's increased now. There are also times where Mids can charge things against their account, like away football games, Midstore, etc. I actually created a new form of pay, called "Flexpay" when I was there that would debit this against currently monthly income so that all 3/C weren't getting the same pay, or 2/C or 1/C, if they charge against there account. Before my time these charges would affect your final check at graduation. Lastly, those Midshipmen that choose Marine Corps will have money taken out to help cover uniforms at graduation.
My folks payed for airline flights home, but that was it. You can show up with nothing but the clothes on your back. My son has applied this year and I would do the same for him. Help with transportation back and forth. There's nothing to spend $$$ on year one anyway, except for junk food in the midstore or Dahlgren.
It is my understanding that you will still claim your Mid as a dependent the first year. There are many posts on this Forum with conflicting opinions. Search and pick your poison. Claimed mine and never had a problem. Oh, Oh I see an Audit coming up.
Attached is the first 7 and last 2 pages of a 50-page ppt created and briefed to Midshipmen by JAG. It is too big to be uploaded here. Slides 8-48 are examples guiding Mids how to use the free H&R Block software. The file was sent out to all Mids by the Midshipmen Financial Advisor on 10 Feb, the job usnagrad1988 is very familiar with.

I suggest advising your DS/DD to file for their tax return soon if they haven't already done so. They have earned it!


  • USNA Tax Brief - LT Steele 10FEB2016.pdf
    359.5 KB · Views: 40
It is my understanding that you will still claim your Mid as a dependent the first year. There are many posts on this Forum with conflicting opinions. Search and pick your poison. Claimed mine and never had a problem. Oh, Oh I see an Audit coming up.

See page 3 in the file attached above.
Still waiting to hear back if my DS will receive an appointment but after reading all of these threads what should we expect to pay in taxes or is taxed on if he gets in?

We just did our taxes and after going through the Q&A process associated with trying to determine if he was to be considered a dependent, it was determined that we could not claim him as a dependent this first year at the academy. We would have had to shown that we provided more than $40k in support for the 6 months he lived with us during the calendar year. We couldn't pass that test. He is having the tax office do his taxes, but based upon his W-2 income, it does not appear that he will owe any taxes. If is it looking like your child will go to an academy, you may wish to update your own tax withholding now for the rest of this tax year because of the loss of your child as a deduction/exemption can result in higher income taxes for YOU.
Leaving the TAX question. What Uncle Sam does pay for. Your Mid/Cadet will have a TON of stuff at the end of the first year. One whole year of issued gear and uniforms (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer). We used a SUV with carry top and I still could not see out the rear view window. Later they will be able to take back just what they need for each season/semester. Be prepared.
R-Day, A-Day, no I-Day, Plebe? Which is it? Did you prepay Spring Break? FortyK for one kid is a tough hurdle but I don't think there is a monetary value on support for the partial year prior to report date.