There is a new career field in the AF that deals in International Affairs. They want people who are career trained to deal with foreign countries, learning foreign languages and their cultures. This is the career field of my spouse now. Since is to old to fly anymore, he has worked the Jordan, Iraq, UAE and Pakistan buying aircraft, receiving training for their Air Forces and selected countries for exchange programs. He now does this for Europe. In September, he spent a week at Harvard's Kennedy School with many Russian generals trying to build relationships and trust(over a lot of Vodka). In the last month he has also done person to person talks with 2 other ex Soviet Bloc countries. So military sees the world as our partner and want people who are train to deal with it all.
Funny story, as they were developing the new career field, spouses boss an under secretary want to name these officers Political/Military Specialist. My spouse said to his boss you can't name them that, PMS will never fly. Boss ignored spouse, the Secretary of AF was briefed and told the boss you can't have them called PMS.