The "West Point Experience" won't be any different. Highly gifted cadets who are at the top of their class don't get any "special favors" for being so.
Academics could very well be different - it all depends on how a new cadet does in validating classes and their academic motivation. Certain plebe classes are indeed grouped by "ability". Chemistry has different levels and they will even juggle some plebes during the first semester.
Some plebes who test high on the foreign language exam will be recommended to take Arabic or Chinese or other "challenging" languages. They like to start these plebe year and will sometimes put off Chem until Yuk year.
Validating plebe history can put a plebe right into "Dirt" and allow for electives later on. Validating Calculus put you right into an accelerated math curriculum and gets you out of two math core classes.
When your cadet gets into his major then AIAD is offered competitively. If you go to the different departments on the academic webpage - you can see all the possibilities.
If you look on this webpage:
you can see the different scholarships that are awarded to cadets for graduate study.
Academic opportunities are offered to all cadets on a competitive basis. You don't need to be an NMF to take advantage.
Sealion - for instance - if you son tests highly on the validation tests he could jump right into his foreign language plebe year and be eligible for an AIAD either over spring break or in the summer after plebe year. He definitely would have a head start on the rest of the class.
As far as a minor - it's going to depend on his ability to juggle lots and lots of classes. Also, all Cadets must complete an "engineering sequence" which is basically a minor.
Clubs - there are also many academic clubs that provide enrichment to cadets - these can be found here:
Many languages have clubs, i.e. Chinese and I know Model UN is very active and popular.