Wright Pat and Dayton Areas


5-Year Member
Oct 20, 2016
We have a junior officer friend going to WP. Does anyone know about these areas for apartment living in the WP/Dayton area: Beavercreek, South Park, Oregon, Huber Heights, or Kettering?
Thanks for any info to pass along.
My brother is a professor at Dayton.

He said Kettering and Beavercreek are good. Oregon is nice but expensive and probably not safe.
My sister lived in Huber Heights when she was stationed there. Rented a house from a fellow officer who had PCS'd. They loved that area but they had 3 small kids so that might be a factor. Seemed like a nice suburban area for families when we visited.
First time poster. Lurking w/DS that has Army 4 yr ROTC Scholarship (notified yesterday), LOE/NWL West Point, qualified for USAFA.

I owned a business in the Dayton area and lived in the Beavercreek area. It's been 10 years (Nashville, TN region now) since I've lived there but am really familiar w/it.

Beavercreek and Springboro are solid "middle-upper class" areas. You'll find most access into WPAFB coming off the RT675 corridor between Rt 35/675 interchange going North up Rt 675 to the "Dayton Yellow Springs Rd" exit for Fairborn.

Wright State University is also in the area (Fairborn) and is really close to WPAFB/shopping/activities.

I'm really familiar with the area. Outside of owning a business I also worked in the Kettering area in R&D for Kodak, wife worked for several local hospitals in the area.

If you have any specific questions then feel free to reach out.
First time poster. Lurking w/DS that has Army 4 yr ROTC Scholarship (notified yesterday), LOE/NWL West Point, qualified for USAFA.

I owned a business in the Dayton area and lived in the Beavercreek area. It's been 10 years (Nashville, TN region now) since I've lived there but am really familiar w/it.

Beavercreek and Springboro are solid "middle-upper class" areas. You'll find most access into WPAFB coming off the RT675 corridor between Rt 35/675 interchange going North up Rt 675 to the "Dayton Yellow Springs Rd" exit for Fairborn.

Wright State University is also in the area (Fairborn) and is really close to WPAFB/shopping/activities.

I'm really familiar with the area. Outside of owning a business I also worked in the Kettering area in R&D for Kodak, wife worked for several local hospitals in the area.

If you have any specific questions then feel free to reach out.
Thanks! How about the areas around UD - Orgeon or South Park? They found a couple of nice apartments there in addition to the other areas and are thinking they might like the shops, pubs, etc. being within walking distance.
I'd avoid the Oregon District/those areas.

The Oregon District was an "up and coming" trendy area 15-20 years ago. Entire Dayton region was "up and coming"...then it crashed. Anywhere close to "Dayton Proper" would be pretty much a "no go" for me, my family, or my kids. I'd concentrate on Rt 675 corridor around Indian Ripple Rd (Beavercreek exit for "The Green" outdoor shopping venue) and look around there.

If they have children or plan on it? Beavercreek for schools. If Beavercreek rent is too high? Move North on rt 675 close to "The Mall at Fairfield Commons" around the "Beaver Valley" area up to Dayton Yellow Springs Rd. In that area Beavercreek dominates, but you can find areas that are "Fairborn" but might as well be Beavercreek but rent/housing will be less...that's the area close to WPAFB.

Dayton in a nutshell? When it fell to democrat political control? The entire city fell apart. I'd personally not even consider living anywhere close to Dayton besides for the RT675 corridor from the Dayton Mall (off 675 in Miamisburg) to the Fairfield Commons Mall in Fairborn.

Dayton is a horribly ran town/area. If not for WPAFB and probably 30K civ employees? Dayton would be Detroit. All the big businesses like NCR, General Motors, Delphi, etc started leaving Dayton in the late 90s/early 2000s....and they were never replaced. GM alone leaving probably destroyed 30K-50K jobs.

At the end of the day? If they are used to "city life", running bars, and living where you stand a chance of getting shot? Then live in the Oregon District.

If I wanted cheap rent? Fairborn. I lived out in the county/country in Fairborn for a little while...out towards Yellow Springs. If they want "trendy hippie college kid area w/a cool little town full of liberals/progressives"? Yellow Springs. Dave Chapelle grew up and lives in the Yellow Springs area....3-4 stop light college hippie town. Great little place to go walk streets hit the shops and drink a beer.
Oh, pubs, and shops? Wright State area (Fairfield Commons Mall area in Fairborn). A dear family friend owns one of the bars right across from Wright State. Pretty good chance you'll find me in there w/them when I go back to play golf w/friends from time-time.