How hard is it to transfer?


Jul 10, 2015
My son was awarded a 3 year AD scholarship. He chose a big school. He felt at the time that when he was finished with his 20 year Army career, a business degree from a big school would help him get a better job.
He is completing his first semester and is doing academically well. He will be coming home for Christmas soon. He has decided he doesn't like the big university. All of the fun other students are having, he cannot join in. The classes are so big it is hard to get help/the teachers don't care how students are doing.
He did attend a small high school with a graduating class of only 300. How hard would it be to transfer to a smaller school and keep his scholarship? My husband thinks he should just suck it up. It will be a good precursor to being just one of many officers in the Army when he graduates...
AD Scholarship, Army?
@clarksonarmy posted earlier in this thread "Are you already contracted and finishing your first year in college? If so, you will have to request the scholarship transfer through your battalion and have the support of both the losing and gaining battalions."

Attending a college that "fits" makes all the difference in the world. Going from a HS with a class of 300 to big state U where your chemistry class is 400 can be culture shock. It works for some, but not for others. That's why colleges come in so many flavors.
Yes, he has already signed the paperwork for a three year AD with his current school. How hard is it to get the support of both battalions? (ie does it happen a lot? or hardly ever?)