Important matters concerning the existence of Humanity - BACON

Look pal, this thread never spoiled anything for anyone except the vegan who posted on the first page, back in '19. :)
Look pal, this thread never spoiled anything for anyone except the vegan who posted on the first page, back in '19. :)
True. We had a small slip up a few weeks ago. But, the thread course corrected. Can’t wait to see all the holiday bacon!
Yesterday I was at the grocery store and Wright’s was on sale. I got a pack. And I immediately thought, ‘SAF would be proud.’
Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been 32 days since my last piece of bacon. I take full responsibility for this inaction.

Father tell me what will my penance will be?
May all Service Academy Bacon Forum® members have a wonderful holiday season filled with porcine delights of all kinds.
All previous bans or restrictions are hereby rescinded. ;)

This doesn't mean that anyone has free rein to discuss vegan or turkey bacon. Standards still exist.
Just got the makings for a warm haricots verts, roasted onion, bacon and blue cheese veg dish with Dijon dressing to go with a pork roast tonight. Laissez le bon bacon roulez! (Fractured French seemed appropriate).
Me and the Mid are heading to a butcher to pick out hand trimmed, highest grade steaks. And a tri-tip roast (best for pot roast, imo).

I asked him to throw in a couple packages of their specialty bacon. Will see what he tosses in (it’s my SIL so we always get a little ‘extra’ something…).