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  • Hi Heather, just to let you know that Google alerted me of your lovely post, written about The Last Ring Home.... I am so touched to hear when the story reaches people I don't know! You have a child at USNA now? In case you have any questions or further thoughts, here's my email: dialminter@gmail.com. In any event, know that you made my day!
    Minter (II)
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    Reactions: Heatherg21
    I'm not sure that I had seen this message before. I did love the book, very much. I have recommended it to several people. Yes, our son is a 1/C and just service selected Navy Aviation. He will commission in May and hopefully head to NPG in Monterey for a Masters, then on to Pensacola.

    Best to you,
    I am having a challenge figuring out how to PM on this site. I am logged in but this is the only section I see to reply directly to you. My son has been accepted but will be in Europe on 6/11. My wife and I would like to attend. My email is: bernhardt.drew@gmail.com
    Hi! welcome to the family. I will add your email to my spreadsheet and will email you tomorrow. You have to be a member for so many days and have a certain number of posts prior to being able to post a private message.
    Sent you an email. Check your spam just in case.
    Wow... USNA and now USMA!!! Congratulations to you and your DS! You must be one proud mama 😉
    Thank you, and crazy but usmma too. Usna has always been his dream. He slept on the offers and has come to be at peace with his decision. Still pulling for you!
    Congratulations on your DS's appointment to USNA!!!

    It's been a long time coming, but I've been rooting for y'all since day 1 :thumb:
    Awe, thank you so much. I literally pinched myself when the alarm went off this morning. Fingers still crossed for ya. And dont get sucked into yucky stuff on forum! You can rock your cfa, just tell yourself you can do anything for 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Or what is known as "sleep when you are dead mentality " you got this!
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