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  • Well, I roller blade really hard for long periods of time, so maybe long distance would be best. Besides, I need the endurance, since I got it into my head to try a mud run this year. Cool. I really want to do both next year. What is funny is I always said I hated running, (but then I always assured my mom I would never end up in the military too), but now I really want to run, and it is kind of a good stress reliever. Anything where I can push myself really hard. (Like roller blading too fast and catching your skate in a turn on the concrete tonight, and ending up tearing my hands, especially one, my elbow, and my knee, but still going back out without even telling my mom.) So yeah, anywhere I can push hard.
    I love it. Sounds like me. I love drama, just not my drama class. That I hate because all of the kids are snobs. Big time. Church drama I love.
    So anything else you like to do?
    In Christ,
    Understood. It took me forever too. Only did I figure it out because it is a lot like other websites I am on. You mean JROTC? And no, I am home-schooled, and my mom is terrified of public schools. I am working on getting into CAP, and hoping for JROTC next year if I can get the home-school counselor on my side. I also have to get the sports which is going to be hard. Do you have any suggestions for me with track & field? I would really like to do that. It seems like it would be a fun thing and wouldn't require much from my parents, especially in the way of money. Am I right? I have a couple of friends in JROTC where I would do it, one of my best friends, and also at another school, a friend of mine. We talked 45 minutes, and until we got on this we spent 20 minutes not knowing what to say. Then we had too much.

    What's the avatar?

    Check your friend requests.

    I saw your profile said class of 2016. So you're a freshman? I am. I would love to talk sometime.

    In Him,
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