
  1. Perspective

    Advice for training for the CFA?

    Hi everybody, I am currently applying to all of the military academies, and my weakest area between academic, leadership, and physical is definitely physical. The good news is that this is probably the easiest area to improve in. I went to the USMA SLE earlier this summer, and I did not pass...
  2. E

    CFA Cross-Compatible?

    Hello all, I have been accepted into SLE session two, which start this Saturday. I have recently heard a rumor from a classmate (who is also going to session 2) that my CFA scores from SLE go into some sort of "system" and thus can be used for applications to other service academies, who can...
  3. Billberna

    Prepping for the CFA (and other things) for class of 2022

    I wanted to start a new thread for those thinking ahead to the USAFA Class of 2022. I found a resource on Amazon that is titled "Service Academy Admissions: An Insider's Guide to Getting Accepted" by Ashley Schmitt. It is basically a workbook to help you to work through all the steps of your...
  4. A

    Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA)

    Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of applying to the USNA and I was wondering how important the CFA was regarding the application. I'm asking because as an offensive lineman in football, I struggle to post great numbers for pull-ups and the mile (About 8 pull-ups and a mile slightly below 7...
  5. S

    Rand Report and CFA scoring

    So, some threads here reference the rand report on SAs and USMA in particular. I took the time to read through it. One thing I saw was that if you score a 650 or above on the CFA you get the maximum, 800, points towards your WCS in the athletics section. Does anyone know if this has been...
  6. Y

    CFA- Bball throw

    What is the minimum for the basketball throw for a male for the CFA? If you fail in one event but do well in the others will that jepordize your admission chances?
  7. U

    CFA's weight in application

    Hello, is there any chance of being offered an appointment if every aspect of the application is extremely strong (4.0 gpa, 30 ACT, president of NHS, officer of SADD club, Officer of Peer Leaders, Yearbook editor, science team member, Cross country and Track all 4 years, good letters of rec...
  8. USNAismyplace

    Physical prep for USNA

    So I am a sophomore female right now with my eyes on USNA 23', and I have the academic piece of my future application in the bag. I am an excellent athlete (not going to lie) and I play a ton of tennis, and competitively swim all summer long, every summer. I do large core workouts every day...
  9. O

    Not sure about my physical aptitude for West Point.

    Hey this is my first time here and I've seen the help people receive and I thought I could use some. I've received my nominations and completed all my stuff except for my CFA. Now I'm staring to dread this as I question my own physical fitness. I'm 5' 10 and weigh 210 lbs. Ona trial run myself I...
  10. F

    Do I have a chance at USMA with these CFA scores?

    Hello everyone! I am pretty nervous about my CFA scores and would like some input on them. I am taking it on Sunday. Bball throw: 50ft Pull ups: 1 Sit ups: 70 Push ups: 45 Mile run: 8:15 I know the pull ups are pretty pathetic as well as the mile time, but I have never been a fast runner. As...
  11. J

    Retaking The CFA

    Along with applying for the USNA I am also applying for the USAFA. When I took the CFA the first time, I used the same score for both academies, which I verified as okay with both academies. My Liaison officer for the USAFA said that I had a really competitive package, except for my pushups and...
  12. W

    Failed CFA

    Just putting out my first CFA scores for kids to know what would be a fail. Chugged a monster before hand thinking it would give me a caffeine boost and cramped up in the second lap of the mile. Rescheduled to take again already, Ill be fine I know my mile time on a track is 7:30ish. Event...
  13. I

    Next Step?

    Hi everyone, I'm from a very competitive district (TX-03), and I have been working very hard for the last five years to make sure my profile is competitive enough for admission (34 ACT, varsity swim team captain, NHS president, founder of a biking club, etc.). I have submitted everything on the...
  14. Dsmcse

    CFA deadline ???

    Good Evening. Does anyone know the deadline for completing the CFA ? I believe it's 11/11/2016 but I'm not sure.
  15. ElectedTuna

    Being Prepared for Academy?

    Hi everyone, I've bought the USAFA candidate book and have been reading through it and had questions. I wanted to know if I am prepared, and how to prepare for the academics at the Academy. If anyone could point out my strong and weak points in my Academics and Physical Fitness then I would...
  16. J

    CFA question

    Hoping for input with this issue: the CFA instructions say that it can be administered only by a high school physical education instructor. The application itself seems to broaden that a bit in that it notes it can be administered by a physical education instructor / "coach". My high school...
  17. tommyboy44


    I just got an email from the director of admissions for my area, Southeast, saying that I have to send a video of me doing pullups and pushups. I took my CFA at NASS and passed with flying colors so I do not really understand why. He stated that it was to "ensure that all candidates are being...
  18. cama93


    Hello, Can someone please tell me when exactly you are supposed to take the CFA? I am a junior right now so it's not urgent or anything, but I can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere. My parents were under the impression that you take it early in the spring semester of junior year, but on...
  19. C

    CFA scores not updated

    I took the CFA at SLE this May, and in my West Point portal it has updated but in my Air Force and Naval portals they have not updated. Is there someone I need to contact from SLE to manually update my scores to the other academies, or is this a question for my RC?
  20. CadetUSAFA

    Candidate Fitness Assessment

    I've found myself struggling with some of the events on the CFA, more specifically the shuttle run and push ups. Does anyone have any tips on how to increase repetitions and to decrease my shuttle run time? Thanks.