
  1. C

    Nomination Requires CFA

    Hey y'all! This might be a dumb question but I figured I'd ask anyways. I am in the process of applying for my nomination, but my Congressman requires a completed and signed CFA as part of the application. I am in a very noncompetitive district, however I'm assuming I won't do the best on my...
  2. W

    CFA Injury (Received LOA)

    I received a LOA in August to USMA. I injured my shoulder lifting weights in late July and I've been recovering up until now. I took an X-ray, passed DODMERB, and have it in writing that this injury did not tear any muscles but it would still take 1-2 months to recover from. Since then, I...
  3. U

    CFA: Pass or not and notification

    Hi all, I took the CFA on Saturday and scored the following, which is a significant improvement from my previous CFA(did not submit to USAFA but was a pass at USNA): 42 feet basketball throw 10 pull-ups 9.1s Shuttle run 65 crunches 75 pushups 7:23 mile My shuttle run was done on grass. I...
  4. E


    Hi! So I am starting to become stressed that my current stats are not good enough at all. I am an IB diploma program student, with a 4.9 weight and 3.98 unweighted GPA. I have over 100 volunteer hours, Swim Team Captain (I was voted in by my whole swim team after just moving across the state)...
  5. A

    Pull-up video

    I’m going to take my CFA in about two weeks but have some questions about the pull up video. Does it have to be the entire two minutes? I can do about 10 with perfect form (trying to get up to 12 for the CFA) but it takes me about 40 seconds. My grip gives out right after so I was wondering if...
  6. A

    CFA Feedback

    I took the CFA a while ago at NASS, and I am wondering if it would be worth it to retake it. I have very good academic stats. I know I will not max the CFA; therefore, I don't know if it would be worth the extra time to try to slightly improve these scores and retake it. Any advice is greatly...
  7. I

    Is this a passing CFA for women?

    Hi! Took the CFA at USMA's SLE and failed it pretty bad because I was sick at the time (I couldn't even do one pull up). I retook it yesterday and submitted the scores and I haven't heard anything back yet. Just wanted to know if these were passing, thank you! Pushups: 28 Modified Crunches: 62...
  8. A

    CFA Score Transfer Question

    I took the CFA at NASS (didn't get into AFASS) and presumably passed, but think I might be able to do better. I know that I can have USNA send my scores to USAFA, but I am also able to submit another second score for USNA. Does anyone know if I get to choose which CFA score USNA sends to USAFA...
  9. H

    Where to find passing score calculation for CFA?

    My son is hoping to apply to the Academy and I'm looking to better understand the assessment so he can train for it. Unfortunately, all I can find is "the max" and a bunch of people that say "aim for the max" but no where is the actual formula? I've seen some places that passing is a score of...
  10. J

    How long should a CFA approval take?

    I originally submitted all of it in December, and got my waiver approved in late January, but it still says, "SCORE IS ON FILE AND PENDING REVIEW" How long should this realistically take? At first I understood the small team had to go through a lot of reviews, but I'm starting to get concerned...
  11. U

    CFA Pull Up Video Question

    Hello! I submitted my CFA pull up video back in 1/30 after they determined on 1/29 that my CFA video was not up to standard and have not heard anything back since. My CFA score says its "SCORE IS ON FILE AND PENDING REVIEW" and my video is "ON FILE (1/30/2024)". Does this mean that there were no...
  12. U

    CFA Help

    Hello! I've recently taken my CFA for all the academies, and the following scores passed for all the academies except USMA. My regional coordinator and application technician said the main thing I needed to work on was my pull ups... Anyone have any tips to crank a couple more out? I've been...
  13. S

    CFA Passing Score?

    I have my official CFA on Monday and I am a little worried. Over winter break I caught a really bad flu and it took me out for almost 3 weeks which means I did next to nothing for physical fitness. I took a practice CFA and I was wondering if I scored the same would this be considered passing...
  14. C

    LoA Expiration

    I received my LoA to USMA about two months ago. As usual, the first paragraph included a notice that it would expire on a pre-determined date if I hadn't completed my file by then. I completed all remaining items, except for the CFA, which I had to postpone due to an injury. I missed the...
  15. X

    How long until I hear news about my cfa status?

    So I took the cfa around 2 weeks ago and haven't heard back from USMA yet. I received an email from admissions updating where we should all be in terms of our application. One of the things mentioned in the email was our cfas will stay as pending (yellow) until the entire application is...
  16. A

    What happens if one passes their first CFA but retakes and fails their second CFA?

    What happens if one passes their first CFA but retakes and fails their second CFA? Hoping this forum can possibly give some answers. Thanks!
  17. X

    Did I pass the cfa for a female?

    Hi so I recently took the cfa a few days ago and haven't gotten word from USMA and I'm getting worried. Theres no check mark showing up on my portal either, still yellow. These are my scores (I'm female btw). Do ya'll think I passed....? My running events obviously weren't the best as you could...
  18. T

    CFA score

    Let me know what you guys think (male) bb throw: 69ft sit ups:55 push ups:45 shuttle run:9.5 pull ups:11 mile run:7:20
  19. OrionVII

    Does anybody have any advice for cadets who want to go to USMA or USAFA?

    Does Anybody have any advice for high school students who want to attend USMA or USAFA?
  20. W

    Acceptable CFA Score?

    Hey everyone, I took my CFA recently and think I did well on everything but the pushups. My proctor said it was my call if I wanted to submit my score but he recommended not sending it. What do you all think? My scores (I am a male) were: Pushups: 31, Basketball throw: 74'2", Pull-ups: 8...