
  1. T

    Eczema Waiver Granted ~ What are my chances?

    I was medically disqualified for a history of eczema on 11/29 by DoDMERB and was waived by USNA on 12/10. This is exciting because I do not have an LOA and the pharmacy records I submitted to DoDMERB included prescriptions from only 2 years ago to treat eczema which initially led me to believe...
  2. B

    2/C at USNA with Eczema - Report or No?

    As the title states, I’m a rising 2/C with eczema unsure of when I should seek help. I had a waiver to get in here for it, and it has been doing alright and been manageable until this summer. I’ve flared pretty badly, but know that since I have not signed 2 for 7, I’m at risk for separation of...
  3. A

    Eczema DQ

    Hi I am a second year on-campus, non-scholarship, ROTC cadet and DODMERB DQ'd me a couple of months ago for having "a history of atopic dermatitis or eczema after 12th birthday." I misdiagnosed myself and rushed through the DODMERB questionnaire stating that I had a small case of eczema a month...
  4. S

    Dodmerb Exzema waiver story

    I would like to share my DD’s story since it is finally resolved and I have found this forum to be so very helpful. She has had so many ups and downs and dissapointments in the past year and has lived in that awful state of not knowing.... So here is the story, I hope it will give some...
  5. E

    Advice on how to deal w Asthma

    Hi there - this is my first post on this forum. I have learned a lot by reading through various threads. I am reaching out to anyone who could help... My son is a sophomore in High School with good SAT scores, good academics overall. He was diagnosed with mild asthma around age 6 or 7 and...
  6. J

    Waiver for Asthma and Eczema

    Hello all just wanted to provide some hope for those who were disqualified for asthma and eczema. I was disqualified somewhere around October because I checked off the boxes in my initial exam. Due to my liaison officer at USMA telling me it would be best to get a Methacoline challenge test, I...
  7. J

    Advice/Opinions on Possible Medical DQ before I try?

    Hello, I'm currently a Sophomore in College, been wishing to join ROTC for my last two years and army in the future. However, my medical history came back to bite me in the A**. Though I haven't really started this path at all yet, because I have a past history of(and know its a DQ factor): -...
  8. U

    Eczema at USNA

    Hello, I know there are a lot of threads here on eczema, but I have a fairly specific question. Applying for USNA this year. Have 2 nominations. DoDMERB qualified. Had eczema when I was younger, but gone by 11. However, I have heard stories of people whose eczema comes back later on in life...
  9. U

    Eczema at USNA

    Hello, I know there are a lot of threads here on eczema, but I have a fairly specific question. Applying for USNA this year. Have 2 nominations. DoDMERB qualified. Had eczema when I was younger, but gone by 11. However, I have heard stories of people whose eczema comes back later on in life...
  10. L

    AFROTC Medical Disqualification

    Hello everyone, I received a scholarship from AFROTC earlier this year, unfortunately, I was medically disqualified for current or history of atopic dermatitis or eczema after 12th birthday. I only ever had one flare up, which occurred last year around late March/early April, and I was...
  11. ktnatalk

    New NIH Guidelines/News on Peanut Allegry/Eczema

    New thinking and solution released relates to peanut allergy and eczema. Future candidates for Class of 2035 may have less DQ's and needing waivers...
  12. G

    DodMERB Timeline and Waiver

    Hello gentlemen, I'll keep this short and simple. Next year I'm going to college in Puerto Rico and I have my mind set on joining the army ROTC program. Being an officer in the armed forces has been my dream since I was a kid. I am a bit worried about DodMERB and the physical you have to pass...