usna additional information

  1. A

    Is being born in a foreign country is a disadvantage when applying to service academies?

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I will apply to the USMA and USNA Class of 2030. I was born in Russia but am a naturalized U.S. citizen. However, ethnically wise I am not Russian and more of Turkish (Tatar). Would this affect my application, especially considering the current relationship...
  2. T

    The Dreaded Concussion AMI

    Hey all, I'm applying for the USNA with two noms and I've hit the dreaded concussion AMI roadblock. I've already followed the directions in the letter DoDMERB sent me and submitted the requested documentation, but I am still left with a few questions. 1. Will my slot be given away while still...
  3. jrpoint21

    Am I a competitive candidate?

    Hello all, I submitted my USNA application a couple of weeks ago and I was wondering how my application is (competitive-wise) as most of you are experienced in the SA area. I graduated HS in May, (taking a gap year due to some family things) Graduated HS with an Associate of Science (cum...
  4. S


    Hello SA forums, just wanted to get some informed opinions on some things and my current situation. I would like to attend the Naval Academy, but I am nowhere near a competitive applicant. The next best thing is NROTC. In the area I live in, there is only one school (School A) that has NROTC...
  5. A16

    What To Do in Middle School (USNA)

    I know that @Don't Give Up the Ship already answered this but I figure this may help others. Sooo what can a middle schooler do to get on the path for USNA? 7th Grade I say the previous because in 8th you can do summer STEM.
  6. C

    Georgia Military College

    (If this post isn’t ok, I understand if it should be taken down. I am just sharing my experience in choosing a prep school) To anyone considering prep school, Georgia Military College has a lot to offer. From the moment I sent an inquiry to tour to hours after my visit, the staff has been...
  7. S


    Hello! As I am researching the academy before I apply next year, I found out about PROTRAMID. It sounds like an amazing experience to get to know the different options, but I am pretty sure I would not be able to handle Marine week (gas chamber and all). Are there any other options, or is...
  8. rjgetler

    USNA: Have you ever experienced any exceptional adversity that we should know about?

    Hello everyone. I am applying to USNA for the class of 2023, and I am looking for some advice on the question stated above and below: Have you ever experienced any exceptional adversity that we should know about? What does the Naval Academy consider "exceptional adversity?" Examples...