2025 USNA Permit to Report Letter

Company and alpha numbers are not typically in the PTR. They find that out when they arrive.
Company and alpha numbers are not typically in the PTR. They find that out when they arrive.
Do you know - if they don't obtain that until after they arrive, and parents aren't present (drop off only), how do parents obtain the info for mail etc. (given the next contact would be the first call home)?
Do you know - if they don't obtain that until after they arrive, and parents aren't present (drop off only), how do parents obtain the info for mail etc. (given the next contact would be the first call home)?
They let you know. I know it was only a year ago, but I don't recall the details. I just know that he was able to send me mailing info. Don't worry about any of it, it all works out and they will get their mail (eventually, mail tends to be slow during peak times like plebe summer).
Do you know - if they don't obtain that until after they arrive, and parents aren't present (drop off only), how do parents obtain the info for mail etc. (given the next contact would be the first call home)?

Last year, they DID get notification the week prior to I-day regarding their company, for that reason I assume. It was a huge relief for us as parents knowing it as he went, versus waiting a week or 3.

The first contact could also be that first letter home stating the company # and mailing address, possibly a mandatory one that first day. Lots of options.
Last year, they DID get notification the week prior to I-day regarding their company, for that reason I assume. It was a huge relief for us as parents knowing it as he went, versus waiting a week or 3.

The first contact could also be that first letter home stating the company # and mailing address, possibly a mandatory one that first day. Lots of options.
see how my memory has faded after almost a year since my DS Iday? Must find magic memory vitamin.
Also, lots of questions out on social about Parent Info Sessions registration- follow the steps in the PTR 2025 Parent Information link AND on the www.usna.com/ptr page. After setting up your USNA AAF login, pay attention to the verbiage at the top of the registration page, i.e. when I-Day details are final an email update will be sent out to registrants.
@RobRule40 @Computerman21 Over on social at least one person has rcvd verification that the "0" time to report was an error, and the actual report time was a half hour report time (e.g. 1330). I wonder if all the "0" errors were actually half-hour increment report times...?
@RobRule40 @Computerman21 Over on social at least one person has rcvd verification that the "0" time to report was an error, and the actual report time was a half hour report time (e.g. 1330). I wonder if all the "0" errors were actually half-hour increment report times...?
I don’t believe there is a correlation between the 0 error and an x:30 report time. I replied to the PTR email pointing out the mistake, and the LT said my report time was 9:00am.
I received one for 0 on 6/30/21 yesterday as well. I received a new one this morning that says 0900 on 6/30/21.
They are sending out revised PTR letters,,, DS originally said "0", just got another for 09:30