3Q Letter


May 17, 2015
In early January I recieved a letter from my RC congratulating me on having a complete application and that now the only thing left was to wait for the admissions committee to tender an appointment. I was told that meant I was 3Q'd

But today I recieved an official 3Q letter on my portal; does this mean I was not officially considered 3Q'd until today?

Anyone else from GL Region have a similar experience.
Son is GL region and he received the 3Q letter in October. He received an email the week before his appointment from the RC but no letter on the portal. It appears the 2nd big wave is afoot! Looking forward to lots of happy kids with BFE's. [emoji1]
DS is GL region as well. His portal was completed in November and his portal didn't show 3Q until end of January. MOC called less than a week later and BFE followed by another couple of days.
You're in a great spot, hang in there! Hoping you will hear the good news very soon!
Lots of 3Q's today. It seems admissions was preparing... I reckon next Tuesday will be the big wave.
Spring break is for the students. Not for the facility and administration.
So lots in the GL region getting changes on their portal today. Is that how it usually works, by region?
I haven't received a 3Q letter yet and I'm in the GL region! Is this a bad sign or could it just be the board hasn't reviewed my file yet?
I haven't received a 3Q letter yet and I'm in the GL region! Is this a bad sign or could it just be the board hasn't reviewed my file yet?
The latter, if I had to hazard a guess. In any case, I'm pretty positive I've been 3Q'd for a while and they just got around to putting up the official letter today.
I'm in SE region and my DD received that , "Candidate File Qualified" on Monday. Any idea how long now to receive an appointment. Her MOC lost his seat.
Anyone know whether Far West updates portals with 'Candidate File Qualified'? Seems as though each region has their own way of doing things... ;)
I'm in SE region and my DD received that , "Candidate File Qualified" on Monday. Any idea how long now to receive an appointment. Her MOC lost his seat.
I don't think there is a set time between change in status and receiving appointment. DD has been "Candidate File Qualified" since mid January and we still wait to see if getting appointment.
I don't think there is a set time between change in status and receiving appointment. DD has been "Candidate File Qualified" since mid January and we still wait to see if getting appointment.
I was considered qualified since Jan 9th , but just recieved the portal update which is what was odd. The addition of the letter to the portal is what made me think something might be up.
I was considered qualified since Jan 9th , but just recieved the portal update which is what was odd. The addition of the letter to the portal is what made me think something might be up.
DD after speaking with her RC end of last week seems to think that a wave may be coming next week sometime.
I think we may be confusing having your file qualified and offers of appointments. Once you have all of your necessary information completed and your RC deems you competitive, your file is reviewed by the admissions committee to qualify you and hence get you a 3Q letter. This can happen at anytime during the process and you should not place much value when your file was initially brought to the board. Competitive slates had a deadline to complete your application by the end of February. While each RC may do it a little different with official letters or emails, it is the second to last hurdle in the process. Once you are 3Qd, they then have to find a slot for you to charge an appointment. A MOC may have submitted ten nominations for his one opening and while all 10 candidates may be fully qualified and get the 3Q letter, only one can be charged to that slot. The rest are moved to the National Waiting list or they may compete on other nomination slots. We are waiting now on the big shell game as people are racked and stacked against each other and slates are resolved.
Looks like no appointment for me this week, so the en masse 3Q letter postings seems to have been a clerical quirk.