I would really appreciate it if any enlisted applicants, former or current, could possibly answer a few questions about the application.
1) On the personal information portion of the application regarding our whether we are or were on active duty, it asks for us to select an option regarding what kind of discharge we were given. However, being on active duty and at the start of my first enlistment I'm not sure what to put because I haven't been discharged. The application won't let me submit until I select an option. I'll give a call to the enlisted rep on Monday but just wanted to see if any of the other applicants had already had this question answered.
2) With regard to our CFA, on the application instructions sent to us after becoming official candidates says a PRT/PFT instructor, career counselor, or commissioned officer can give us the test whereas on the admissions portion of the website it says that it must be filled out by a commissioned officer. Is it possible then for our Command PRT/PFT instructor to administer the test then?
3) As far as our letters of recommendation from our chain of command, is there a format they should be in like the CO's Endorsement/SECNAV nomination application?
Thank for any answers or insight you can offer.
I would really appreciate it if any enlisted applicants, former or current, could possibly answer a few questions about the application.
1) On the personal information portion of the application regarding our whether we are or were on active duty, it asks for us to select an option regarding what kind of discharge we were given. However, being on active duty and at the start of my first enlistment I'm not sure what to put because I haven't been discharged. The application won't let me submit until I select an option. I'll give a call to the enlisted rep on Monday but just wanted to see if any of the other applicants had already had this question answered.
2) With regard to our CFA, on the application instructions sent to us after becoming official candidates says a PRT/PFT instructor, career counselor, or commissioned officer can give us the test whereas on the admissions portion of the website it says that it must be filled out by a commissioned officer. Is it possible then for our Command PRT/PFT instructor to administer the test then?
3) As far as our letters of recommendation from our chain of command, is there a format they should be in like the CO's Endorsement/SECNAV nomination application?
Thank for any answers or insight you can offer.