AFROTC EA - plan a, b, or c....


5-Year Member
Nov 4, 2010
Since so many cadets have been waiting in agony to hear their fate regarding the EA selections, I was wondering how many of you (cadets) have decided what path you will take based on the outcome of the EA selections. How many of you will stick with it if rolled over as 500s to next year? How many of you will finish school and enlist if (worst case scenario) you are disenrolled? Just wondering (and trying to stay calm while waiting for DS's results)!
This is a discussion that's probably happening at all Dets, because within my AS200 class, it certainly is.

Some simply will take the opportunity to leave if they don't get an EA. However, I came into the program with an open mind wanting to see if it was something I wished to pursue. Since joining, I've committed myself to the program and the "lifestyle" that comes with being a Cadet. You sacrifice more than the average student understands. I've had the privilege to receive an ICSP and numerous awards. While I don't suspect I will become an AS500, if it is the case, I will surely continue on for another year. I'm going to do whatever I can to finish what I started.
As a current AS500, I would just graduate and attempt at OTS. If that doesn't work then I plan on just finding a job overseas.
definitely not even thinking about that right now. I'll cross that bridge if I need to after Wednesday. In fact, I'll probably give myself a week off and then start to consider it.
As a 5 year engineering major, id be a 500, if I was offered and I didnt get a slot.
That's a tough one. I am an AS250, and technically a senior in credit hour terms. I decided to extend my graduation in order to join the program. To do so, I had to pick up an extra major and 3 extra minors! I also picked up 'Excess Credit Hour' fees, so starting in the fall I will have two pay double the price of tuition for any credits I attempt. As much as I want to be an Air Force officer, as much as I love ROTC, and as much as I wouldn't mind doing it all over again for another year in order to accomplish my dream, the reality of the matter is that I probably couldn't. By extending, my scholarship (non-ROTC) and Financial Aid would run out, and I'd be forced to take loans to help pay for school. And who knows what the budget situation would be like next year? What if I didn't get a slot then too? Then I would get out out as soon as possible, graduate with only 1 degree and whatever minors I have completed at that time. So the loan would be, in a sense, a waste, going towards classes that I didn't need. It's just a MAJOR gamble that I'd have to take, and, unfortunately, I'm not much of a gambler.
Of course, I say this now. And once I find out for sure, and if the result is I didn't get a slot, I would probably take much more time and consideration into my decision.

I don't think I could enlist, not after having seen the 'Officer-side' of things.
I would also consider trying OTS (but as a non-tech major, already not having received an EA, and with the budget cuts and rumors that they are going to completely do away with OTS, the likelihood of that doesn't seem too optimistic either). Perhaps OCS in another branch?

It's a lot to think about. I just wish slots would come out so I could know what my future holds/doesn't hold.
Time out Beonks

Beonks said:
as a non-tech major, already not having received an EA, and with the budget cuts and rumors that they are going to completely do away with OTS, the likelihood of that doesn't seem too optimistic either

Who in G's green earth told you that the AF were is going to completely do away with OCS?

I can't give you a definitive answer on that one, as I actually don't remember who/where I've heard that from. I didn't want to spread false information, so I did add that it was a rumor I heard, and I want to emphasize that again now.

If, it is in fact a false rumor, then that does give me an alternative! For some reason, I've just believed it to be true for God knows how long that, until you pointed it out, I didn't really stop to consider that alternative.

Have you heard anything of the like?
This has all been weighing very heavily on my mind. At this point, i'm telling myself I won't be an AS500. But I think a lot of that has to do with how frustrated I am with all of this right now. After going through FTP, it would take a lot of thinking to make the decision of if I wanted to go through it all again.

I have a strong foot in the door with many engineering career options, so I know that if this doesn't work out, I have a very strong Plan B.

I'm just a little burnt out. After getting the shaft from USAFA for C/O 2015 after having two nominations and then not getting an EA after getting ICSP, it will be hard not to be bitter about all of the massive amounts of effort I have put into all of this for nothing. I'm thinking it might just be time cut my loses and move on with life.