Airmen caught boozing

"An investigation, including admission by the airmen, revealed the two consumed the alcohol (beer) while in an off-duty status and were not in contact, nor had any access to weapons or classified material."
yeah, a third rate online website like 'taskandpurpose' is a reliable source of news
Pabst Blue Ribbon? Didn't those guys get a pay raise this year?
PBR. A friend and I worked one summer doing dirty work at Republic Steel. One of many husbands of my friend’s mother was the foreman. We would hang out in his office waiting for the rest of the crew to show up. While waiting, the boss would sit there with a can of PBR and pour salt in before sipping. It was long before computers and cell phones so all we had to do was watch him drink before being driven to the day’s job site. It was hot and nasty with no personal protective equipment. I thought the place would kill me in the few days I worked there. My granddaddy worked there 36 years. And he didn’t drink.
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