You are either qualified or disqualified by DoDMERB. There are no "soft disqualifications". If disqualified you will require a waiver, or be able to provide enough evidence to DoDMERB to have the disqualification removed.
It is important to remember that DoDMERB does not write the instructions, they just follow them. DoDMERB's responsibility is to disqualify for medical conditions that are listed in the instructions. It is up to the waiver authorities to make the decision as to whether the condition could possibly pose a problem later on. DoDMERB does not take care of any of the applicants who are at the service academies or ROTC programs, that is up to the specific service waiver authorities, which is my they have the final determination.
Most mental health issues are considered disqualifications. Anxiety is one of them. It is a "history of" disqualification which means that if you have EVER been treated for an anxiety disorder, DoDMERB has to disqualify. This is not to say that the waiver authorities will not grant a waiver. It all depends on the severity of the anxiety, what treatment options were used (medication, therapy, combination of both and for how long), how long the applicant has been off medications and out of therapy, and how well the applicant is doing at the present time.
If an applicant is currently on medication for an anxiety disorder I would have to say the chance of a waiver would be slim. This does not mean give up. There have been multiple people on here who I have told they had a slim chance at a waiver, who through perseverance have received waivers.
So if this is your dream, or the dream of someone you know, by all means have them apply and go through the process. You will never know if you do not try.