Applicant with Pilots License

Just a heads up to OP! The week after I passed my checkride, I had my blue and gold interview. The only difficult question my BGO asked (that I really had to think about) was, "If you don't make Navy pilot, how disappointed will you be? If you had to select SWO, would you miserable?" I hadn't ever really considered it, but I ended up answering that in the end, the Navy has been my dream and not just naval aviation. I also added that I've never had the chance to consider and "tour" other service selections, but I'm sure I'll find an interest in other selections.

I definitely recommend applicants to start thinking about questions like this. To this day I'm not sure if I answered correctly, but I did answer honestly. We get so caught up in our dreams as teenagers it helps to check yourself and think about alternatives. Good luck!

Insightful post!
One of our USNA sponsor mids had his PPL before reporting to I-Day, was dead set on naval aviation and astronaut program via test pilot path, aero major, was in the top ten of his class. During his pre-commissioning physical a condition was found that DQ’ed him from aviation. The sub community was thrilled to take him, and after some mental readjustment, he headed down that career path and did well.