Argentina's Missing Submarine


10-Year Member
Dec 13, 2010
It has been six days since contact with Argentina Navy's ARA San Juan submarine. Despite a large multinational effort to locate the vessel, things are not looking too good.

The Submariner's Prayer
Almighty, Everlasting God, the Protector of all those
who put their trust in Thee: hear our prayers in behalf
of Thy servants who sail their vessels beneath the seas.

We beseech Thee to keep in Thy sustaining care all
who are in submarines, that they may be delivered
from the hidden dangers of the deep.

Grant them courage, and a devotion to fulfill their duties,
that they may better serve Thee and their native land.

Though acquainted with the depths of the ocean,
deliver them from the depths of despair and the
dark hours of the absence of friendliness and grant
them a good ship's spirit.

Bless all their kindred and loved ones from whom they are separated.

When they surface their ships, may they praise Thee for
Thou art there as well as in the deep.

Fill them with Thy Spirit that they may be sure in their reckonings,
unwavering in duty, high in purpose, and upholding the honor
of their nation.

I have been following the story, with dread in my heart. I looked up the submarine verses to the Navy Hymn, below. Regardless if you have a faith group or not, I find the words help me focus my thoughts.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm has bound the restless wave.
Who bids the mighty ocean deep,
It's own appointed limits keep.
Dear Lord, we lift our prayer to Thee
For those in peril on the sea.

Lord God, our power ever more,
Whose arm doth reach the ocean floor,
Dive with our men beneath the sea;
Traverse the depths protectively.
O hear us when we pray and keep,
Them safe from peril in the deep.

Lord, guard and guide the men who man
The submarines that guard our land.
Be with them always night and day,
In quiet depths or roaring spray.
O hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea.

Bless those who serve beneath the deep,
Through lonely hours their vigil keep.
May peace their mission ever be,
Protect each one, we ask of Thee.
Bless those at home who wait and pray
For their return by night and day.
Yesterday, when they were reporting possible sounds from the sub, I had hope. This morning, the reports are saying those sounds were not the sub. All we can do is pray and have a bit of hope. Unfortunately, time is not on their side.
I have been following the story, with dread in my heart. I looked up the submarine verses to the Navy Hymn, below. Regardless if you have a faith group or not, I find the words help me focus my thoughts.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm has bound the restless wave.
Who bids the mighty ocean deep,
It's own appointed limits keep.
Dear Lord, we lift our prayer to Thee
For those in peril on the sea.

Lord God, our power ever more,
Whose arm doth reach the ocean floor,
Dive with our men beneath the sea;
Traverse the depths protectively.
O hear us when we pray and keep,
Them safe from peril in the deep.

Lord, guard and guide the men who man
The submarines that guard our land.
Be with them always night and day,
In quiet depths or roaring spray.
O hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea.

Bless those who serve beneath the deep,
Through lonely hours their vigil keep.
May peace their mission ever be,
Protect each one, we ask of Thee.
Bless those at home who wait and pray
For their return by night and day.

That tune is the most haunting and moving one I know. I used to enjoy singing the Navy Hymn during my high school choir days. Always brings a tear to my eye.
@kinnem This is one of my favorite renditions, because the acoustics and setting in Mem Hall at USNA are so perfect for it. A cappella, USNA Glee Club, men and women.

The latest on the sub is...nothing. We are getting closer to that dividing line between rescue and recovery.
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