Army ROTC 2023-2024 2nd Board

Do they not send or make an announcement when they post the results? What’s up with everyone refreshing a million times lol. That might break their website and delay the results posting again
Do they not send or make an announcement when they post the results? What’s up with everyone refreshing a million times lol. That might break their website and delay the results posting again
They don't send an announcement, it just pops up in the portal, the email comes later.
The login page has changed for me and actually asked for password before going to internal server error. So maybe soon
new form of the website is up in some form but it wasnt letting me log on, hopefully results today
Everyone please try and express a modicum of restraint. Whether you find out in 5 minutes or in 5 hours or in 3 more days will not have a massive impact on you or your future. I too am anxious to find out my results, but I'd also prefer not to cause Cadet Command more problems while they finish their tests of the rebooted site.
Not trying to get y'all to rush over and shut down the dodmerb site, but I think my son's AROTC qualification letter was there before the Army site updated he won a scholarship. But he had already gone through the process with the SA's.
Not trying to get y'all to rush over and shut down the dodmerb site, but I think my son's AROTC qualification letter was there before the Army site updated he won a scholarship. But he had already gone through the process with the SA's.
Conversely…our son didn’t see NROTC show up in his DoDMERB portal until well after the NROTC selection board notification of award was sent...the only consistency is inconsistency!
Conversely…our son didn’t see NROTC show up in his DoDMERB portal until well after the NROTC selection board notification of award was sent...the only consistency is inconsistency!
Yes, I think it was at least a few days later when the NROTC qualification letter showed up.
With our login, it does not recognize my password. I'm sure that it is within the time frame for resetting (45 days or so?). Should I do this process, or wait?
The monetary investment in 3 and 4 year ROTC scholarships isn't unlike the similar investment in kids at Service Academies. The data is there and they understand a % will drop out/flunk out etc. I feel that is all in the model. Your comments about 3 vs 4 year ROTC scholarships are very interesting because the 1st year of ROTC participation (tuition) is not paid for and the cadet can be evaluated and screened on their potential before the larger money is laid out. The question in my mind is: 1. Would CC be able to attain their numbers if there were only 3 year scholarships and 2. Would the caliber of students that would normally receive a 4 yr still be available if only 3 yr scholarships existed? Those kids have the resume to do alot of different things so they have many choices. The sad part is that as college costs increase, more and more ROTC scholarship applicants will use "cost" as a major contributing factor as opposed to their desire to serve and lead in the military.
I would be interested to know: When a 3yr winner gets on campus in year 1 and participates in ROTC , what are the minimum standards they need to achieve to keep that 3yr scholarship? Did you see a significant weeding out prior to the 2nd year when the Army is on the hook for the cost of the scholarship? I would assume (like service academies) the highest drop out/weed out % comes in the first year.
Highest dropout is after the first semester a student is enrolled in classes, regardless of scholarship type, prior service, NG/USAR. I did not see a weeding out at the 2-year mark like the service academies see.

The best Cadets I had were those who enrolled without a scholarship and earned a campus-based 3-year scholarship. Often this population did not apply as a HS student. Conservative estimate, 80% of the Distinguished Military Graduates I had over three years did not come to campus with a scholarship. They earned one on campus.

Somewhere around 18-20% of HS scholarships are 4-year, so there would not be a statistically significant difference in the quality of student. That would primarily affect enrollment at high-cost/high-demand schools (Ivy League, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, big name private schools). Tuition would be much more of a deciding factor there than at a state school. Also, figure that the scholarship covers either tuition OR $10,'s not covering all the costs of school no matter what flavor the scholarship comes in. Many different ways the delta is covered (SMP, part-time employment, student loans), but there's always additional costs despite a 3/4-year ROTC scholarship. One of my universities gave me 16 room grants and we had a process for awarding those...I also had additional campus-based endowments, scholarships, and funds at the university-level that I could award to help off-set costs. There is a process that is different at every school, but there are additional opportunities out there at the program-level.

To keep a 3-year scholarship, the student has to pass ACFT, Maintain a 2.0 GPA (each semester and cumulative), a 2.0 in Military Science courses, and complete 27 semester hours.