When I do this, will I be a full participant of the program? Or will I only be in the class?Call the ROO. Register for the class.
I've looked on the schools page, and I can not find the ROO or any way to contact them. Does anyone have any idea where I can find it? I'm looking for the Texas State program.The ROO will tell you what you need to do--which class/lab, which events like PT and FTXs. Reaching out to the ROO is where you start. If you want to be an Army officer, which is the only reason to do ROTC, the ROO will show you the pathway at your school. That person works at least 40 hrs a week so you can call and talk about today. It is best not to wait until August--and a lot of the ROTC staff disappear for the summers running training. It is ok to make it clear that you are also interested in the scholarship or ways to pay for college but you will get a warmer reception if you start by talking about wanting to grow as a leader and serve your country.
I've looked on the schools page, and I can not find the ROO or any way to contact them. Does anyone have any idea where I can find it? I'm looking for the Texas State program.
Thanks so much
The operations officer is usually the S3, not the ROO. In
Looking at their website it looks like they don't have a ROO, who would normally be a DA civilian. I would say call the phone number or email their generic email address.
That may be, but Battalion Operations Officer does not equal ROO. Two different jobs