Backup Plan


USMA Cadet
10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 20, 2009
While I believe I have a fair chance at earning an appointment, West Point is my dream, and I need a plan in case I am not accepted. So I feel my choices are reapplying after either enlistment or a year of ROTC. Which is a better choice?
I wasnt given a waiver this year and was advised to do either rotc or enlist to show that my vision doesn't interefere with service obligations. I chose enlisting.
Although there is a logical way to reason enlisting as a path to the Academies (it will allow another nomination source), it is probably the least likely to get you considered seriously in the next year. Certainly in a few years, as you have deployed and become a more senior enlisted rank with observed leadership grades, but not next year.
With ROTC you can take difficult college classes that will show academic ability and improvement, take leadership positions in volunteer organizations, display your sporting ability, and earn the military recommendation from your ROTC unit commander. Whatever you lacked this time around, you can improve with ROTC.
Hope this helps and best of luck.
If I were you, I think I would go to AROTC because it might be difficult to stop going to school, and then all the sudden be expected to remember everything from high school.
Did anyone think about the ROTC Scholarships. They are a great option.
I applied for everything and what choices I have now!
I have appointments to USMA, USMMA, a USNA (unofficial) and a NROTC
Citadel 4 yr Scholarship and a 4 yr AFROTC Scholarship in Chinese Language

I thought it good to have back up plans and now I'm really thinking carefully
Good luck to all
Although there is a logical way to reason enlisting as a path to the Academies (it will allow another nomination source), it is probably the least likely to get you considered seriously in the next year. Certainly in a few years, as you have deployed and become a more senior enlisted rank with observed leadership grades, but not next year.

Not sure this is true anymore. I am speaking more Navy here than Army but I am almost positive that they are similar. In the past, the route to an appointment for an enlisted person was through the chain of command via the career counselor, any of whom could shoot it down. Now, with the online application system, the chain of command may not even be aware of the individual's actions until the application is basically complete, while the SA admissions people are already actively engaged with the application. I am sure that a negative eval from the command would be looked upon unfavorably. However, a "he hasn't been here long enough to really evaluate" might not. The SA has the 'whole person' file to look at, same as a candidate out of high school with the added actual demonstration of willingness to serve. The SAs are looking for ex-enlisted and favor them highly.

At both WP and USNA I know of appointments from active duty where the enlisted personnel were still in the initial training process.

What this will do is open up a more guaranteed route to NAPS/MAPS for the marginal candidate. A 1100 SAT high school student will probably be rejected unless the remainder of their package is superior while a 1100 for an active duty candidate, with a properly supporting package, would almost be a guarantee for prep school.

I would still recommend a year of college/ROTC but for some this is not an alternative.
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