BCT Swimming


Jan 12, 2020
I’m in incoming cadet to USAFA this summer, and I recently started working on my swimming in order to be prepared for BCT, but I found out I am a much worse swimmer than I thought. I tire out very quickly doing freestyle. So I just had a few questions about how the 250 yd swim test or how the rest of the swim test during basic works.

1. Am I allowed to do the backstroke instead of freestyle for the 250 yd swim? I am able to swim much more efficiently this way.
2. Can we wear goggles for the 250 yd continuous swim?
3. Will I be disqualified from any jobs if I get put in the twice as long remedial swim courses?
4. Do I need to be able to tread for a certain amount of time or float?
5. Can you push off the walls during the 250 yd test when you’re turning in the pool?
6. What do you need to be able to do without goggles? I’ve never been the best at keeping my eyes open under water.

If you have any extra tips that may help me or give me some ease of mind about swimming then I would greatly appreciate it. I’m swimming every day for at least 10 sets of 50 yd intervals. I don’t really know how to get better as I was never formally taught to swim. Thank you all!
The swim test is to determine if you be in a basic swim class or a swim class, nothing more. Basic swim has more instruction about how to swim and support for being successful than swim does.
To answer your questions individually:
1. Yes, in most of the cases on timed tests it is the stroke of your choice
2. Swim Class(not basic), you will be wearing goggles for most of the events
3. You are not automatically DQd by being in basic swim, it is likely you wouldn’t be able to meet screening requirements for special warfare though.
4. Yes you need to be able to tread water for at least 10 minutes and float for a similar amount of time
5. Pushing off the walls is encouraged as a good strategy to save time during the swim
6. During water survival(the class after swim), you will need to be able to do everything without glasses this includes: underwater swim for distance, mannequin rescue, tower scenario, efficiency swim, etc.
To answer your questions individually:
1. Yes, in most of the cases on timed tests it is the stroke of your choice
2. Swim Class(not basic), you will be wearing goggles for most of the events
3. You are not automatically DQd by being in basic swim, it is likely you wouldn’t be able to meet screening requirements for special warfare though.
4. Yes you need to be able to tread water for at least 10 minutes and float for a similar amount of time
5. Pushing off the walls is encouraged as a good strategy to save time during the swim
6. During water survival(the class after swim), you will need to be able to do everything without glasses this includes: underwater swim for distance, mannequin rescue, tower scenario, efficiency swim, etc.
Thank you for all of the information! 10 minutes of treading is a long time. Do you have an estimate on what percent of people are able to make all of these requirements? They seem very high.
The swim classes are also during 3 degree year so you have some time to meet those requirements. If you can get good by then you can even validate the class. To validate water survival you don’t have to do the treading or hour long circle swim so it’s pretty nice
Funny memory: my (now) Firstie was scared to jump off the platform. In my family we have fear of heights. He wasn't the only one in his class but there were only 2 of them. So the coach says, come back tomorrow before class and I'll help you get over your fear of heights. So my DS was glad to get help. Shows up the next day. He, the coach, and the other cadet climb all the way to the top. Coach turns around, puts a chain across the ladder down and says: There's your way down- as he points to the platform. LOL

My cadet was never so happy as he was when that class was over!
Wait what? We have swimming at BCT? Will we be given a swim suit or are we swimming in uniform? Also, can someone give more information about the test?
Wait what? We have swimming at BCT? Will we be given a swim suit or are we swimming in uniform? Also, can someone give more information about the test?
Breathe, it's ok just low stress swimming. You'll be given a swimsuit. It may have changed from my year but it was like dead man float, do the strokes (butterfly, free, etc) keep your head above water for a certain amount of time. It wasn't too bad.

Swimming in uniform won't be till 3 degree year in water survival even then you'll have swim class before to prepare you. You'll be ok.
"Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, the class of 1983 did their swim test..."

If I recall correctly, it was "500' in 5 minutes, any stroke, and you pass." I'm a Florida kid, but my "freestyle" sux...so I rolled over and backstroked my way to victory! Afterwards, the officer in charge asked me if I was going to try out for the swim team (I damn near drowned laughing so hard, I think he was being kind) and I had to say "Uh, no sir, I'm on the track team."

If you don't jump in, sink, and drown...and can do a passable stroke, you'll be fine.
"Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, the class of 1983 did their swim test..."

If I recall correctly, it was "500' in 5 minutes, any stroke, and you pass." ...

Hmmm, pretty sure it would be 250 yards in 5 minutes, not 500.

A passing score for the USNA PRT swim alternative to the 1.5 mile run is 500 yards in 11:20.
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Hmmm, pretty sure it would be 250 yards in 5 minutes, not 500.

A passing score for the USNA PRT swim alternative to the 1.5 mile run is 500 yards in 11:20.
Not yards as I recall, I think it was just 500'...it wasn't a terribly long swim. Of course, it's been a few...decades so...