This probably isn't a meme as the Navy put this on their FB page. What has me riled up is the directive from both military and civil authorities to not wear N-95 respirators. They are for medical and first responders they say. I happen to have N-95s which were saved from the terrible boating accident where all my firearms were lost. I'll be dingdong if I turn those over to anybody. The scarfs, bandannas, and ladies undies are not a fool proof deterrent to the COVID-19 virus. People aren't covering their faces properly and have a false sense of comfort in them.
I will not watch that show. Everyone says I should watch it.

I hear you... I really haven't watched that much TV since this started .(I really don't watch that much anyway, except for a few select shows ON DEMAND when riding on my spin bike during the winter ). I will admit to watching more gun reviews on YOUTUBE, and cringing at all the buffoons posting pictures of their ammo supply on Facebook.

I happen to have N-95s which were saved from the terrible boating accident where all my firearms were lost
LOL --must be the same boating accident I had .. Another thing I don't understand is the desire to post pics of all the guns you own.

I will admit to having one ...and sufficient ammo to keep the zombies at bay.