Best Graduation Gift for Plebes.

I seem to have a weakness for firearms. The prettier the wood grain the better. It's been a while since I went on a purchasing spree..... but I tend to have a hard time passing up the beauties. Of course DS left his trusty weapons at home but I bet if he makes it home on leave, a day out in the hills getting reacquainted will be on his to do list.
I seem to have a weakness for firearms. The prettier the wood grain the better. It's been a while since I went on a purchasing spree..... but I tend to have a hard time passing up the beauties. Of course DS left his trusty weapons at home but I bet if he makes it home on leave, a day out in the hills getting reacquainted will be on his to do list.
I like cerakote, CF, and tricked out triggers myself.
The Navy supplies them what they need and if they don't supply it, they probably don't need it (or can't use it).

Old Timer Alert...

This is true of the USMC as well.

It wasn't that long ago that "wives" fit that summary. ;)
So... let's summarize: Knives, Watches, or side arm for a graduating HS senior or rising Plebe?

Practical gifts include watches, gift cards, blankets made of old T-shirts/ memories, Navy Fed Credit Union Deposit.

Cool "swag" involves knives, firearms, and flags.

My advice: err on the side of practical at this point. Don't go overboard on watches - you can get most desired features on a $30 Casio. Bank deposits and gift cards go a long way.

Never been to a Service Academy except as a visitor but simple multi-tools , shoe shine kits, cover blocks (if these are even used anymore), a hair cutting kit, or book (Medal of Honor stories for instance) seem appropriate.
:thumb::thumb: On the multi-tool. Found that this always comes in handy just ahead of a folding Buck Knife.
Girls are easy ... we move $$$ from our NFCU accounts to her’s at least once or twice a day.
Pardon my total noob ignorance, but what will my soon to be plebe even need $$ for? There's not a lot of freedom to do the things that require money or need for much 'stuff'. It does sound like money or gift cards for order-in food are appreciated. Thanks!
Pardon my total noob ignorance, but what will my soon to be plebe even need $$ for? There's not a lot of freedom to do the things that require money or need for much 'stuff'. It does sound like money or gift cards for order-in food are appreciated. Thanks!
Not a lot, but weekend Liberty can consist of lunch and dinner out, Uber rides and movies. This adds up quick. They also order to go food and have it delivered to the yard. Pizza from Steerage. Snacks and stuff from the coffee shop or mid store. There are also pop up costs like wardroom fees, football tailgaters, etc. At the end the day they don’t need much. Eating delivered food nightly can run up quickly. But that is all done by choice and can be controlled.
Pardon my total noob ignorance, but what will my soon to be plebe even need $$ for? There's not a lot of freedom to do the things that require money or need for much 'stuff'. It does sound like money or gift cards for order-in food are appreciated. Thanks!
My P2B keeps stating he will not need money. I would concur with NavyHoops. Friday/Saturday will roll around and they will want to order out or get snacks, etc. Then they will need to grab something at the mid store, etc. I suspect they will want more than they anticipate. And yes, they get paid - but not a lot this first year. Hence my P2B will keep his job, like it or not, for a few more weeks!
+10 to @NavyHoops .... Daughter mentioned Moe’s a few times in Fri/Sat conversations with her. I think it’s walking distance, but they still get it delivered.

Moreover, what little money they bring in doesn’t cover the most expensive hair salon in Annapolis every so often when my wife is down there with her during Saturday liberty. She’s our daughter for God sake. I can’t take the $$$ with me when the good Lord calls.

Guys have it easy. I use a #1 on top and no guard on the back and sides.

[Segue moment] Foundation & Alumni Association — it takes money to Operate and Maintain this great institution. Take some time to research and review what your contribution does to help the Midshipmen, and augment operations and maintenance. Take a look at the combined Tax filings which are available through the Foundation/Alumni association portal. You can see the year-end Position ... it’s a sizable book value ... but just like any trust ... there will be ebbs and flows ... and the money managers try to maintain a certain level of Capital cushion. Give any amount that you can. We are just parents, not alumni, but we will always feel connected, none-the-less.
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After seeing this post - I asked my DS....he said his Apple Watch was the best gift.

Anything from this place...I love the personalized canteen cups!
With cell service or only Wifi - which is best to have while in the yard?
The cell service is great if you leave you plan on leaving the phone behind in the room or locker when working out. My Mid wished he had service on his smart watch. I have an older apple watch with service for my job and the downside is that the battery dies a little bit faster. It is nice being able to leave my phone at home and still be able to get all my messages on my watch. Another nice thing is being able to go running without having to hold my phone. I am not sure if it is the same with the newer models, but there is a certain range you can go before your watch disconnects from your phone if you don't have the data capability so that is another thing to keep in mind.