Boys and Girls State?


5-Year Member
May 11, 2011
I'd look more at the website but my ancient computer won't allow me to keep looking further at it for some odd reason. But, I have a few questions about it.

Does it cost any money to do it?
Is it usually extremely competitive?
Is it like a camp where you spend the night for the week as well?
When does it usually take place?
When should I apply for it?

Those are the questions for now, thanks!
Short answer:

Check with your schools's guidance counselor. "Most Schools" nominate the students they want to go to boy/girl state. There really isn't an "Application". Again, I say "Most Schools". That's why you should check with your school's counselor. My son went. He was nominated by his school. It was a week long. Yes, you stay the nights there. Last day or two, they all come to the state's capitol and shadow law makers, and such. Our state's boy state has our senators and rep show up as guest speakers. So; check with your school's counselor. See how your state's boy/girl's state is set up.
I'd look more at the website but my ancient computer won't allow me to keep looking further at it for some odd reason. But, I have a few questions about it.

Does it cost any money to do it?
Is it usually extremely competitive?
Is it like a camp where you spend the night for the week as well?
When does it usually take place?
When should I apply for it?

Those are the questions for now, thanks!

I will admit I asked to get nominated to make it look for for SA app purposes. It probably had to have helped (thus LOA's) However,I did actually enjoyed the experience once I was there.

If you are the official delegate from your school- no cost or very little cost. I you are an alternate, you pay to go.
Competitiveness- vary greatly..........I walked in guidance and got it....
You stay there for a week or longer- usually on a college campus

takes place in the summer

Ask about it in February or March (again, this may vary from state to state)
When I went....

Only cost was the transportation and whatever stuff you decided to bring with you, food and lodging and all was paid for by your local sponsors (happens automatically from your local AL post). In my class of 518, only two boys and two girls were allowed to go. I applied, as well as ever other guy ranking above me in class, and I still got in somehow :D
It was a residential program, meaning I stayed on the campus for the entire week with roommates and RA's. As to where and when... That is state and locally dependent. You'll need to do as CC suggested and see your Guidance Counselor.

Good luck! :thumb:
It was my Boys' State experience that turned me onto the military. My "city" leader was a Army captain named Shane Curtis.

It was the first time I could remember hearing about the Coast Guard, but when i went home I was considering the Army. I thought my parents looked down on the Army, only to find that they were very supportive.

Fun and disturbing things happen when boys from all over the state come together. I knew a few people at Boys' State before I went, the other representative from my school, a few friends I had from middle school, jr. high etc. My classmate and I were selected. I had never heard of Boys' State. Tennessee Boys' State was held at Tennessee Tech. We lived in their dorms.

On the last night or so they shipped in what seemed like 1,000 girls for a dance. After a week of only guys, I think we found all of the girls attractive.

I give Boys' State TWO thumbs up! :thumb::thumb: