DS has applied for NASS. We live in an inner city of an upper Midwest state so he may get an NASS invitation this June. He would like to go but has visited USNA last fall & feels Naval officer is who & what he wants. He has a late June commitment as a senior staffer with his Boy Scout Council’s National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) program - this will be his 4th year on staff and it is a huge leadership commitment that involves hundreds of hours over the year in training , planning & prep to train youth leaders in Boy Scout troops & his position is a great achievement & honor - few are selected for his position & many of his predecessors went to SAs. This is non-negotiable & he will meet his commitment. He is an Eagle Scout.
The opportunity to participate in Boys State this June has come up. We live in an inner city and no one from his high school in recent memory has participated but the local American Legion has told him they would love to sponsor him. Truthfully, we had only cursory knowledge of Boys State before this forum (we knew Bill Clinton was a Boys Stater but we didn’t know what that was).
So the question we have is this: would cramming in a week of Boys State in an unbelievably busy June be sufficiently helpful in the “process” to do Boys State instead of NASS? I’m sure DS would likely get some valuable experience from a week of Boys State but, frankly, it pales in comparison to the leadership responsibility, time commitment, & experience that NYLT staffing represents. But DS & I are concerned that USNA will find it more expedient to view Boys State as a leadership experience they understand than the less-common BSA’s NYLT. We have read many admonitions on this forum to not approach application to SA’s as “checking the box”, yet Boys State could be that box for him. Do those with greater perspective than us think Boys State is an important aspect of USNA application? I have read that it carries a lot of water with WP - equal to Eagle Scout. I find that unbelievable but I don’t have the USNA perspective. But is it a better use of time than NASS?
DS will likely be competing with applicants from private schools & a military-oriented hs that draws from our congressional district. His odds of getting a nom are pretty good (MOC’s slate is rarely 10) but it will be a competitive slate.
I don’t want this to turn into a competition of how many boxes we can check. But we don’t want to leave anything on the table, either. With all of the candidates to consider, USNA has to do much of this in a mechanistic way (despite what some may say) & “checking those boxes” cannot do anything but help.
So, to clarify, if DS had to choose between Boys State and NASS, what would make more sense for appointment (given the above, and consideration that ACT, GPA, rank, athletics are highly competitive)?
Please challenge our logic (that’s what I’m asking).
The opportunity to participate in Boys State this June has come up. We live in an inner city and no one from his high school in recent memory has participated but the local American Legion has told him they would love to sponsor him. Truthfully, we had only cursory knowledge of Boys State before this forum (we knew Bill Clinton was a Boys Stater but we didn’t know what that was).
So the question we have is this: would cramming in a week of Boys State in an unbelievably busy June be sufficiently helpful in the “process” to do Boys State instead of NASS? I’m sure DS would likely get some valuable experience from a week of Boys State but, frankly, it pales in comparison to the leadership responsibility, time commitment, & experience that NYLT staffing represents. But DS & I are concerned that USNA will find it more expedient to view Boys State as a leadership experience they understand than the less-common BSA’s NYLT. We have read many admonitions on this forum to not approach application to SA’s as “checking the box”, yet Boys State could be that box for him. Do those with greater perspective than us think Boys State is an important aspect of USNA application? I have read that it carries a lot of water with WP - equal to Eagle Scout. I find that unbelievable but I don’t have the USNA perspective. But is it a better use of time than NASS?
DS will likely be competing with applicants from private schools & a military-oriented hs that draws from our congressional district. His odds of getting a nom are pretty good (MOC’s slate is rarely 10) but it will be a competitive slate.
I don’t want this to turn into a competition of how many boxes we can check. But we don’t want to leave anything on the table, either. With all of the candidates to consider, USNA has to do much of this in a mechanistic way (despite what some may say) & “checking those boxes” cannot do anything but help.
So, to clarify, if DS had to choose between Boys State and NASS, what would make more sense for appointment (given the above, and consideration that ACT, GPA, rank, athletics are highly competitive)?
Please challenge our logic (that’s what I’m asking).