Yes i am still alive. swab summer was definitely tough, but i managed to stay "under the radar" so it wasnt that bad. one thing i really didnt fully realize is how planned out your time is. you literally have no time to yourself until the last two weeks. the first couple of weeks were long, but once you get used to the schedule they fly by. The best advice i can give to someone going through it is to just let all of the yelling and punishment roll off and laugh about it later. the academic year has gone smoothly so far. we just had our first round of tests and i did pretty well....hopefully that continues. as far as new london, there isnt a whole lot to do here lol, except go to the movies. i think im going to end up seeing every movie that comes out for the next year. It has definitely been worth it so far. I feel i am a better person having gone through what i have.
if there are any applicants out there, start posting questions, i should be able to check this once a day. anything about admissions, swab summer, 4/c year, ask away. you definitely want to find out as much about this place as you can.
Thanks for daughter attended AIM this summer. She has already applied and hopes to be admitted to USCGA for next year. The swab summer thing makes her kind of nervous, so anything you can post that can help us and her get through it, anything you found helpful, of would do differently (or the same!), please let us know.
The most important thing is to go into it confidently. if you go in worrying about getting through it, things will be a lot tougher. some important things to keep in mind...
keep a good attitude. if somebody gets in your face and just rips you apart, let it roll off and laugh about with your roommate later. dont let the cadre get to you.
all of the "standards" they set for the first few weeks are supposed to be ridiculous. its impossible to shower and change in 8 minutes, there will always be dust on your uniform, etc. again, let it all roll off.
work on memorization skills. if you know your indoc life is 1000 times easier. i would even recommend studying a little before the summer.
get in shape.
the cadre cant stop the summer from ending. no matter how bad it gets for you, it all goes away once the summer is over. i literally had the worst 2011 swab in my company. he took so much from the cadre i cant believe he made it through. but since the school year has started none of it matters anymore.