C/O '26 parents - place to commiserate and share. Roller coaster for the next 3 years!


What, me worry?
Dec 7, 2020
As it says. An extended stay thread for all discussions class of 2026.

Kid went to Bethany Beach, DE with us for part of his Block 2 leave. Had a nice time. He's going over to the Eastern Shore (Maryland) with some of his old HS buddies next week, and to Rehobeth again with his GF for a few days to close out his leave. Then, back to Mother B to get ready for PROTRAMID, in San Diego, for Block 3.

Kid really needs a haircut .... and still hasn't worked out for sh-t the whole summer. Reform is going to hurt! :p
I'm having fun following my Youngster on his YP cruise. I just look for the little line of 4 blue boats all together and usually have found them. The are heading up the coast to Boston vs down the coast to Savanah due to probability of storms. I get to see him for 3rd block. I miss him and can't wait to see him.
You can go to marinetraffic.com and put in the YP number, and it will actually give their exact location and movement status. That's how I followed the dude.

Got some serious sea stories from him during our beach trip on his YP cruise! Both engines were out and they were in some pretty serious swells. Ship was sideways to the waves. Threw kids out of their racks and almost capsized the boat! :eek2:
You can go to marinetraffic.com and put in the YP number, and it will actually give their exact location and movement status. That's how I followed the dude.

Got some serious sea stories from him during our beach trip on his YP cruise! Both engines were out and they were in some pretty serious swells. Ship was sideways to the waves. Threw kids out of their racks and almost capsized the boat! :eek2:
Glad I haven't heard anything yet. Yup, Marine traffic is fun! Ducklings all in a row. I wonder if your DS got seasick? Sounds like a tough time!
Pretty much everyone on the boat did. Even the LT advisor guy was not feeling great, who was a SWO.

Kid said, "Hanging over the railing puking was the only time so far that I was considering that I was not going to sign my 2/7." :biglaugh:

He said that the reason they don't usually go to the south is because of the inconsistent weather with potential big storms during the summer. He said that every 10 years or so, they rotate through everyone who remembered how crappy the waves are, and suggests they go south again for the cruises.
..."ship sideways to the waves."

* I have not heard "stories" from DS during YP cruise (2nd block). If his ship goes sideways, I hope the life jackets work.

** I wonder if the SWO-In-Charge will take a risk assessment from a 3/C. I taught him this from the war college. But all went to tube at the start of Plebe Summer. A parent's risk assessment (looking at your kid as a toddler) is not the same as military risk assessment.

*** Expenses tracking: Protramid expenses were much higher than YP cruise. I think it was the hotel stay in Virginia Beach. I still remember many moons ago how fun is Virginia Beach during summer training. Leave is coming up for the 3rd block; I'm sure it will surpass both Protramid and YP cruise expenses combined.

Kid just found out his 3rd block PROTRAMID has been shortened to 3 weeks instead of 4. Funding for the summer issues. Supposedly this is a normal occurrence. We think he'll get an extra week of leave before reform.
Kid just found out his 3rd block PROTRAMID has been shortened to 3 weeks instead of 4. Funding for the summer issues. Supposedly this is a normal occurrence. We think he'll get an extra week of leave before reform.
My son said it happened to him and he got a week of leave - he just had to request it.
Just curious if those taking summer courses will finish up early or is this early finish just specific for Protramid?
I have no idea. My son never took summer classes - except when he was home during covid.

I would assume classes wouldn’t end early.
Just curious if those taking summer courses will finish up early or is this early finish just specific for Protramid?
The chances of that are minute or maybe I should just come out and say ZERO. Simply put, Summer School is
an academic activity that has to achieve so many hours of class time to be able to give credits. PROTRAMID
as an activity has a lot of moving pieces that are not necessarily academy funded or controlled. Things like
availability of ships/submarines/aircraft can be heavily affected by things like equipment failures or even
emerging (higher) priorities. This can also be as simple as just plain fuel for aircraft. This late in the government
fiscal year, it is not unusual for things like Reserve Active Duty training to run out of money so they stop sending
people places. In the case of USNA itself, the midshipmen, staff and food, etc ARE already funded so summer school
attendance is not likely to be suddenly reduced. Note that Midshipman TRAVEL is something that can be cut though
and that includes PROTRAMID.
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As Protramid ends on 8/12 and classes start on 8/17, they won’t have a ton of extra leave as they have to return to USNA first. Only mids close to Yard will be able to take advantage of the extra couple of days.
Kid just found out his 3rd block PROTRAMID has been shortened to 3 weeks instead of 4. Funding for the summer issues. Supposedly this is a normal occurrence. We think he'll get an extra week of leave before reform.
Same here, DS was bumbed.