can i be a soaring IP and jumpmaster?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 18, 2007
hey guys (i guess this question is mainly for hornetguy)- can i be a soaring IP (instructor pilot) and jumpmaster (aka, on the wings of blue) while at the academy? i know it wouldn't be possible to do both at the same time, but what about jumping apprentice one year and then soaring IP another year and then jumpmaster year the next- or something LIKE that. i found out from another source that this was impossible, and i just wanted confirmation because i really really really want to do both. maybe i have to choose one over the other, or maybe i can do both, or maybe i can still be an IP and just learn how to jump or be a jumpmaster and just learn how to soar. thank you very much!!
It's impossible. Dude, I know you're adamante about flying and flight programs, but this seems obsessive. Each is a HUGE committment in time and effort. Honestly, it would be impossible for those reasons alone. Just cool yourself down, you have 1.5 years before you even can think about what program to do. Keep in mind, plenty have intentions of doing these things, but they don't qualify, you're goal now should be to solidify your academics and concentrate on doing well all around so you CAN have a choice.
It's impossible. Dude, I know you're adamante about flying and flight programs, but this seems obsessive. Each is a HUGE committment in time and effort. Honestly, it would be impossible for those reasons alone. Just cool yourself down, you have 1.5 years before you even can think about what program to do. Keep in mind, plenty have intentions of doing these things, but they don't qualify, you're goal now should be to solidify your academics and concentrate on doing well all around so you CAN have a choice.

obsessive is an understatement :). you see, i have a PASSION for flying and soaring is probably a better career choice, considering the fact that i want to be a pilot and studies show that glider pilots at USAFA do really well in UPT. also, i would much rather teach soaring to other cadets than i would jumping. However; the idea of free-falling absolutely ENTHRALLS me, and being on a jumping team would be totally rad. i would probably get more exhileration from being on the jump team than being an IP, but teaching others how to fly is very satisfying and rewarding in a different way. that is why i am striving to do both. you said its impossible, and it probably is. however, can i pursue the third option i posted? (learn to soar (not IP) but become a jumpmaster (wings of blue), or learn to jump (not wings of blue/green) and become an IP).

p.s. i have resolved that there isn't much i can do aviation-wise during my first year there, so i will pursue being on the ski club. i hear it is a GREAT way to get away from it all and "regather" myself on the weekends, but is it a four-year commitment?
p.p.s. are there any soaring teams? (acrobatic, cross-country, etc.)
p.p.p.s. is there an elective astronomy class or club? (again, i find it very interesting, but it is not my aspiration in life)
Go check out our old conversation about when you can do things and how to upgrade.

Ski club and ski team are very different. The club allows you to leave on the weekends you want to with a group to ski, the team is competative. Which one are you refering to? (I assume the club).

There is an acrobatic soaring and cross country soaring team.

There is also an astronomy club too.
yes, i would be joining the ski CLUB. and the reason i wasn't quit sure about jump and soaring was because you said i could "do jump in my senior year if i did soaring ealier, or i could do jump my third degree summer and do soaring anytime after that" i just wasnt sure what "doing jump" meant- either on a team or just earning my wings. same thing with "do soar" but i think i have it figured out. i can only pursue only one of those programs in-depth, but i can still at least participate in the other
if I say soar or jump, then I only mean to get wings. The other progarms I would have said jumpmaster or soaring IP. ;)
D wants to try for Soar IP. Got soar for the summer, and is very excited about the chance. Every year the flying team send a couple of cadets to Nellis for the air show, and one of her upperclassmen was part of the team. I don't think she would try for this becuase of the time demands. Today she gets to fly simulators (T-38) in her MSS class. Always feel better about the simulator becuase you can walk away from the unfortunate mishap.:shake: You will have many aviation opportunities at the Academy.....Oh and as for jump couldn't get her to do that to save her life....jumping out of a perfectly good airplane just does not appeal to her...I know Hornet has a different perspective.
if I say soar or jump, then I only mean to get wings. The other progarms I would have said jumpmaster or soaring IP. ;)

ookay. so what i am looking at here is either take jump my 3rd degree summer and be on the jump teams each year after that (and no soaring at all), or take jump my 3rd degree summer and then take soaring a semester after that, hopefully to upgrade to IP. i don't think soaring in the summer and then trying out for wings of green is an option. right?
Your getting a little ahead of yourself. It is great to have goals, but (if/when) you get to the Zoo, you will be setting much more modest goals, like getting through lunch, or making it out of the A-course alive, or keeping the infamous Cadre Hornet at bay. Much like Luke (oh I didn't say Luke did I, go ahead hornet), you have to learn to what Yoda has to say or you'll slice yourself to pieces with that sabre.
Pima speaking here, but I had to laugh

considering the fact that i want to be a pilot and studies show that glider pilots at USAFA do really well in UPT

When Bullet was FTU, they had too many pilots, so top WSO's were double crewed. Bullet was double crewed with a FAIP and the other an Acad grad. Bullet had to do check rides with both. EQ with the FAIP (1st time in 11 yrs that an EQ was given out). The acad grad who loved soaring at the academy busted the flight before they were to do the check ride. As Bullet was in the squadron, his class commander saw me in the parking lot and said "if you want that baby to have a Daddy when it's born, don't let him fly with XXX...I was only 2 mos. pregnant with DS1...needless to say that scared the crap out of me.:eek:

The Acad grad was never given the chance to fly with Bullet, they brought him up on an FEB. Asked what he wanted, he said to become a Soaring instructor...that wasn't an option, they took his wings.

So flyboy, there is a real life situation where a guy from the acad on the soaring team made it through, UPT, LIFT and still couldn't cut it at FTU

What we have done for our DS is to give private pilot's lessons. As a Mom I get nervous when my 17 yr olds, says "Mom, it was so cool today we did stalls" My reaction: :eek: Bullets reaction::thumb::shake::yllol:

He has also pulled a couple of g's already, and is now starting to touch and go's. We've decided that even when he gets to come home for a few days, he'll go and fly for a couple of hours to keep up his skills. In the end, I am sure if DS goes he will do soaring, but flying even in a Cessna, doing stalls, loops and touch and go's will help you as much at UPT (My opinion as a spouse and Mom...don't put alot of credence in it)

One thing Bullet and I are admanant that DS will not do, is skiing...We know one person who broke their leg in 3 places, and guess what happened to his med. status. I know you are young, but when the folks here say get out the bubble wrap, it is something that many active duty flyers take seriously. Remember you will have to get medically qualified again before graduation. I maybe the pessimist, but after 20 yrs, where guys have lost their medical qual for things that they couldn't control, I would rather be erring on the safe side. Youth allows indiscretions, age allows you to know what can actually happen with those indiscretions. For every base we have been posted at, we know at least 1 guy that loses their flight status because of something. 1 was as simple as being injured in a squadron football game (he played for the acad in the 80's). In our case, that would mean we know at close to 10 flyers in 20 yrs.

When Bullet jumped with the 82nd, every ALO only did their min jumps required every 90 days to keep their pay. At one pt. he thought about increasing his jumps to go to jump master school, his Commander took him aside and strongly advised to him re-think it, "Bullet you have orders to AK to fly, 1 bad jump, and it's over!" Bullet doesn't have the toilet bowl, only the star. Bullet takes pride in that his jump wings are "real", but he took a lot of heat from his comrads for "JUMPING OUT OF A PERFECTLY GOOD PLANE":wink:
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I disagree on skiing. If its something you enjoy, I just think that fear should not drive you not to do anything. I LOVE skiing and I've been sure to have ample head protection and keep my equipment safe, to include making sure the skiis pop off before my knees do.

Here's a better question maybe: If he wants to ski, what will you do?
That's an easy answer...but 1st let me give background on my experience. My parents owned a 2nd home in VT., I was skiing black diamond trails by the time I was 9. By the time I was 12, my sister, brother and cousin all had broken legs or knee dislocation, due to inexperienced skiers. (not calling sides and riding over their ski tips...nothing they could do, they were maneuvering a mogel and a novice trying to avoid the mogel :thumbdown:)

With my experience, I would say to DS...YOU MUST MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION!. If he is old enough to say that I voted for X as President, I am willing to live the life of walking the pavement, I understand that I will be fighting for the right of every AMerican to say the war is wrong, than BULLET AND I WILL SAY DO WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT. We will say to him what happens if you get injured and lose the chance to fly, are you ok with that? If he says yes...then knowing Bullet and I we will buy the skis.

I respect him as an adult. I never want him to say "WHAT IF?" I want him to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision for himself.

Trust me...Bullet and I have cut the strings, we know that for him to make it through not only his college years,(be it AFA or ROTC), but his active duty life, he needs to look inside of himself to find motivation.

He has watched Dad be careful and not risk his chances of losing flight status, I believe he will make a rational decision...if he desires to ski, than I will worry about him (I am a Mom), but we will support him (isn't that what we are suppose to do as parents).

Again, Bullet and I just want our children to never say what if. We will make sure that they are informed, but we know at the end of the day it is their life and they will do what they want. We just prefer to make sure that they know all of the facts, before they make that decision. When they can say I get it, I know and defend their stance, even if we find it irrational, we give them credit and say okay, you have thought it through.

Sorry for such a long explanation, but again as a MOM, I think it is good for every child to see OUR THOUGHT PROCESS.

BTW...look at my previous post, am I thrilled that DS is only a few hours away from his SOLO flight...NOPE, but Bullet is right, he is a responsible kid, the instructor wouldn't allow it if he wasn't ready and it would be unfair to let my fear(turned 18 this past weekend, and it is scary to think nobody else will be with him in the plane) deny his dream....YOU SEE PARENTS CAN BE RATIONAL:shake:
Your getting a little ahead of yourself. It is great to have goals, but (if/when) you get to the Zoo, you will be setting much more modest goals, like getting through lunch, or making it out of the A-course alive, or keeping the infamous Cadre Hornet at bay. Much like Luke (oh I didn't say Luke did I, go ahead hornet), you have to learn to what Yoda has to say or you'll slice yourself to pieces with that sabre.

haha, i know. i just want to know if i can do what i want to do
hornet, because my medical status is still pending (they just need a few medical records- which i have sent) would USAFA delay notifying me of an appointment if they have deemed me worthy of one? its okay if you dont know the answer, my medical has just been nagging me for weeks. thanks
They would give you an appointment under the condition that your medical passes IIRC. Shouldn't make a big difference. But I'm also not in admissions.... ;)

Contact your regional or ALO. Remember, Hornet is a great source of info for when you are there, but getting there he can only give his experience:smile: Unless you are coming from his district, with his CFA,and EC's he can't really help. Calling your ALO, will be easier to find out if your medical issues are a hindrance in getting an appt.


Okay b/c you questioned me about my feelings regarding DS skiing (after Bullet and I said make our DS do more push-ups, scream in his face saying "Bullet told me me you need more") I will force Bullet to make sure there will be a crud game. If there is a chance that the teams need another person, I will guarantee that my name will be up on the board. Bullet will tell you, I don't play with wives (they play nice) because I lose lives for planting, blocking and hip checking. Look on another thread about me playing against F-15 guys. I have no problem screaming "NO SIX" and making the ref bring out the bill, "PUSH", or the 45 degree name for men/women. My favorite as a woman is to do the "sl*t crawl", leaving the ball in the middle of the table and traveling far enough to get past the no-6. I also like being able to throw the red ball fast enough to force the receiver to touch the ball and lose a life...THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST GAMAE...FUN TO PLAY AND PROBABLY MORE FUN TO WATCH :shake:

This is my very favorite game in the world, and maybe our DS decided to join the AF because how much he enjoys the game:thumb:
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