If you did not receive a nomination from your member of congress, your district has no relevance to your candidacy whatsoever. If your nomination is from one of your senators, you are competing with the other 9 nominees on that slate.
It is possible, although not likely, that the senatorial slate has not been resolved and you are still in competition for that slot. Being on the NWL does not mean that a candidate did not win the slate. All qualified candidates are placed on the NWL until they are appointed whether or not the slate has been resolved. A resolution of the slate may be held up for a number of reasons, including waiting for medical waivers.
Also, the rule is one qualified candidate per slate will be appointed. If there are no qualified candidates, none will be appointed. If all 10 are highly qualified, one will be appointed as the slate winner and the other 9 may be appointed from the NWL as qualified alternates or additional appointees.