@JDB I was told my test scores were competitive but I never got a non-committal letter. Does it just encourage candidates to continue working on their application because they're competitive?
Hello GoArmy22:
Hopefully someone who knows this process well will weigh into the thread, but in the mean time I will share what DS found. The presentation I mentioned above was about Field Force Training and it is a 30 page Power Point presentation. The address to download it is as follows:
The presentation contemplates four types of "Candidates": Unknown Candidate, Non-competitive Candidate, Competitive Candidate, and Admissable [
sic]. All four indicate communication from West Point of the status is required. So no matter your status you should receive notification from the Academy. Regardless, if your portal hasn't been closed, your still in the hunt.
As for the Non-committal letter, it is three pages and nowhere that I could find does it say, "You are competitive." That's why it was confusing. The Air Force portal actually marks your application as competitive, there's no ambiguity. Here is the opening paragraph of the West Point letter:
GO BLACK KNIGHTS! This is a long letter with important information concerning your application to the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point, New York. Don't stop reading until the end! We've received your initial information to compete for admission for the West Point Class of 2022. We have an Internet web site featuring many resources for West Point candidates with open admissions files located at https://candidate.usma.edu. The website will allow you to view your file on-line and submit messages to the Admissions staff."
From there it tells you to get on the nomination process, keep improving your whole person score, learn about the army, and it tells you information about your liaison officer.
I wouldn't hazard a guess as to why you haven't received a correspondence. My son's letter came to him on the portal, in a blue box, under the box with his name and USMA ID, on the first page of the West Point Candidate Portal, after log in. The box is titled "Official Correspondence," and there is an Adobe PDF avatar in it, and next to that is says "NONCOMMITTAL." I hope this helps you.