Listed as optional but recommended on packing list.
Should I let DD buy at C-Store or send along? Trying to keep packing light as possible.
Is there a wristwatch that you would recommend?Current Cadet here, would you mind posting the packing list they put out? I can help with items people should/ should not bring. @DD2021TX
Is there a wristwatch that you would recommend?
Thanks, I know it will be a G-Shock - just not sure of which model.There are multiple threads on watches across all SA forums, which would make sense for ROTC too. Try "watches" in Search box.
@jagger19 I've attached the entire packing list. A few questions...
Thanks so much!
- Is that small amount listed in a previous post a sufficient amount of duct tape?
- How many pairs of socks/underwear would you recommend?
- Once you review the list, please advise what is necessity and what is not.
You had your parents mail you 24 pairs of underwear?and for underwear I had an extra two dozen shipped in during Beast. Underwear and socks are huge because the laundry system is unreliable on timing, and you'll always need backups.
You had your parents mail you 24 pairs of underwear?
The list of prohibited items says to not bring soap powder or liquid detergent. I'm uneasy about putting it in a small shampoo bottle, even though it is a good idea...Underwear can be washed out in the sink...pack some liquid detergent in a small shampoo bottle. It's hot enough in the barracks for it to dry quickly. Some days you'll go through multiple pairs.