
Mar 11, 2024
Currently can barely do more than 10 pushups and 8 second fah, should i still take the cfa at inspire for practice?
First of all, 10 pushups is more than decent. If you think you can do reasonably well, take it. You'll be done with it. If you think you can do better later, you can always retake. If you think you'll fail it, I would probably wait.
Have you tried a practice test taken exactly as it is supposed to be given, with prescribed form and timing? The test itself is designed to progressively fatigue you, so that practice scores on events practiced individually almost always drop when the test is taken exactly as given. You will know exactly what to work on if you mix full test practice in with individual event practice.

@usna1985 gives good advice above.

YouTube has all kinds of CFA videos, especially on individual events like basketball throw. Stew Smith’s website and YouTube videos are good - he’s a USNA grad, former SEAL, now a fitness pro. USMA has good demos on proper form.
Just have to get into the habit of doing them. Those activities are all strength/endurance/repetition based. The more you do them consistently and with proper form, the better you will get at them.

I'm assuming you are a young lady with the FAH reference (if not, apologies ahead of time)? As the good Captain says, check out the videos online to assist with knowing how to get better. Getting to the point where you can do a pull-up is a huge thing for female applicants. Work toward that, and good luck!
Currently can barely do more than 10 pushups and 8 second fah, should i still take the cfa at inspire for practice?
You have asked about the CFA in a lot of separate threads. Everyone has told you to take it. I still stand by that. However, I am sensing that this is stressing you out. I'm a parent and I think I forget that it's not easy being a teenager. I'm going to advise a little differently. Come prepared to take the CFA on Saturday. But go in knowing that you can refuse to take it so you aren't stressed about it and ruin the rest of your visit. Then, after talking to the mids, getting to know other inspire candidates, make up your mind. There may be a bunch of people in your shoes and it will be a good bonding experience. Also may be a good topic to discuss during interviews (overcoming, opening yourself up to failure, showing how you bombed your first cfa, but then came back and worked hard for a good score in the end). Anyways, best of luck no matter what you decide!
You have asked about the CFA in a lot of separate threads. Everyone has told you to take it. I still stand by that. However, I am sensing that this is stressing you out. I'm a parent and I think I forget that it's not easy being a teenager. I'm going to advise a little differently. Come prepared to take the CFA on Saturday. But go in knowing that you can refuse to take it so you aren't stressed about it and ruin the rest of your visit. Then, after talking to the mids, getting to know other inspire candidates, make up your mind. There may be a bunch of people in your shoes and it will be a good bonding experience. Also may be a good topic to discuss during interviews (overcoming, opening yourself up to failure, showing how you bombed your first cfa, but then came back and worked hard for a good score in the end). Anyways, best of luck no matter what you decide!

Yea thank you! Im not 100% sure why im so stressed abt this especially bc its optional but i guess im just nervous loll. Your advice is super helpful! I think i will decide if ill take it there after talking to other candidates and midshipmen :))
Currently can barely do more than 10 pushups and 8 second fah, should i still take the cfa at inspire for practice?
I would say take it, the more times you emulate that stressful environment + the endurance, the more improvement you'll see! I took my first CFA at NASS knowing that if I qualified it would be by a stroke of luck. It's always good to get a baseline to see what you are working with. Practice the exercises with good form every day,
ex: I would just do a set of 20 pushups during a homework break, and by the end of the evening I would have done 60-80 pushups every day and within three months I could do 2.5x more pushups.
Yea thank you! Im not 100% sure why im so stressed abt this especially bc its optional but i guess im just nervous loll. Your advice is super helpful! I think i will decide if ill take it there after talking to other candidates and midshipmen :))
We are here for your success. It is totally optional and has no bearing on admission now. Last year, I had some drags and helped them with their push up form or the dreaded ball throw (as a softball player). I would personally take it because 1) you are here to have a fun learning experience 2) other candidates/MIDNs will cheer you on and the energy at inspire weekend is ELECTRIC! 3) do something new every day even if you dont think you will succeed on the first try. I will see you there (I signed up for the dinner because I wanted good food).
Did you take it? How’d you do?
I took it at a recent candidate visit weekend and I have to say that almost all of the drags participated with only a couple sitting out. They will explain to you that it wont hurt to at least try it as you can always retake it in the future. I had been practicing a little for it and found that their pull up bar was much easier than the one I have at my house as it was much thicker.

I was able to do 67ft throw, 13 pull ups, 9.8 shuttle, 50 push ups, 49 situps and a 6:35 mile time

If you are prepping for it I recommend learning a good situp method because I was very unprepared and had no technique for that exercise. Just keep practicing it and you will get better, I plan on practicing for it until I can max everything out
I took it at a recent candidate visit weekend and I have to say that almost all of the drags participated with only a couple sitting out. They will explain to you that it wont hurt to at least try it as you can always retake it in the future. I had been practicing a little for it and found that their pull up bar was much easier than the one I have at my house as it was much thicker.

I was able to do 67ft throw, 13 pull ups, 9.8 shuttle, 50 push ups, 49 situps and a 6:35 mile time

If you are prepping for it I recommend learning a good situp method because I was very unprepared and had no technique for that exercise. Just keep practicing it and you will get better, I plan on practicing for it until I can max everything out
I would practice situps to a cadence, I remember Stew Smith saying that 1 sec/situp should be what we should aim for in order to max out. Probably not a matter of strength but time