My comment applies to USAFA but I expect it is similar for USNA. The lowest passing score for any part of the CFA is a carefully guarded secret. The objective is to strive to achieve average or better on all sections, and to max some if possible. Having said that, it is possible to pass the CFA if a section or two does not reach average - it depends on how you do on the remaining sections. There is a cumulative score for all the sections that is calculated, although we are not privy to the details of this scoring system. You will fail the CFA if even one event does not reach the low threshold, and you will be notified in a day or two via your portal (judging from others' experiences on this forum). You will also fail the CFA if all six events reach only minimal passing levels. It is critical to have several strong event scores to help offset any weaker one(s). See the "Instructions for Candidates" booklet (or whichever similar instruction document USNA provides) for details about what will happen if you fail the CFA on your first submittal.