CFA Scores Acceptance


5-Year Member
Aug 11, 2014
Greetings! Can a BGO perhaps advise how long it would take to learn if CFA scores are acceptable? I know that no news is good news as far as a retake, but how long does it usually take for the USNA to let the candidate know that submitted scores are not acceptable?
Your BGO is permitted to tell you if you've passed or failed -- which is all we know. Not sure how long it takes to upload the result from the time you submit your CFA but I'd be surprised if was more than a week.
Once a passing score is achieved, is there any reason to retake the CFA to try and improve scores?
Yes. While the CFA is P/F, when it comes to crunch time and USNA has to decide among a number of qualified candidates, a great CFA score is just one more thing going for you.

If you were very close to the max, especially on the run, push-ups and crunches, it may not be worth it to retake. However, if your scores were well off the max, it could help you to retake.

Remember that USNA does not "superscore" your CFA -- the new scores replace the old ones, for better or worse.