Jun 15, 2006
I'm lazy. Couldn't find it with a quick scan of the MMA site. Is the MMA CFA a mile run like the rest or is it 1 1/2 miles?
I'm lazy. Couldn't find it with a quick scan of the MMA site. Is the MMA CFA a mile run like the rest or is it 1 1/2 miles?

They use the exact same test as USNA, USMA, and USAFA.

Only the USCGA has a different test (2 minute cadence push ups, 2 minute sit ups, 1.5 mile run).
MMA accepted either CGA PFE or DOD Academy CFA tests for their application process... last year anyway
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Thanks. That explains it. One of my candidates was alluding to MMA accepting a test which sounded like the PFE. MMA catalog this year is CFA only.
The following minimums may be used as a guide for prospective candidates.

Men Women
1.5 mile run (max) 11:00 13:30
Push-ups (min in 2 mins) 51 24
Sit-ups (min in 2 mins) 62 62

I thought that only Midshipmen take the PFE (above), and candidates only take the CFA?

Can a candidate can take a 1.5 mile run as part of their physical fitness entrance requirements?
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Nope, look at the website. It is kind of confusing. I think they publish the PRT minimums for candidates to use as a benchmark for reporting day. The CFA is the test for admissions and the PRT is the test for midshipmen once they are there.
Nope, look at the website. It is kind of confusing. I think they publish the PRT minimums for candidates to use as a benchmark for reporting day. The CFA is the test for admissions and the PRT is the test for midshipmen once they are there.

Ahh, yes. Now I understand why I was confused.

My son has already taken, submitted, and (according to the USMMA candidate website) passed his CFA.

Interestingly, the USCGA instructions (for a different Fitness Test altogether) state that this year, a cadet candidate may submit their CFA test from another academy admissions packet, and they would accept it in lieu of the shorter USCGA test.
My son has already taken, submitted, and (according to the USMMA candidate website) passed his CFA.

May I ask What his scores were?
thank you.

I took my test as well and will hopefully pass as well. If you do not pass the CFA, does the academy tell you to take it again? Or is it just one chance?