I'm lazy. Couldn't find it with a quick scan of the MMA site. Is the MMA CFA a mile run like the rest or is it 1 1/2 miles?
The following minimums may be used as a guide for prospective candidates.
The following minimums may be used as a guide for prospective candidates.
Men Women
1.5 mile run (max) 11:00 13:30
Push-ups (min in 2 mins) 51 24
Sit-ups (min in 2 mins) 62 62
Nope, look at the website. It is kind of confusing. I think they publish the PRT minimums for candidates to use as a benchmark for reporting day. The CFA is the test for admissions and the PRT is the test for midshipmen once they are there.
My son has already taken, submitted, and (according to the USMMA candidate website) passed his CFA.
May I ask What his scores were?