A few comments on the above -- first, PLEASE don't obsess about LOAs. Many very highly qualified candidates don't get them. Not getting one does NOT mean that you're not a very highly qualified candidate and/or you won't get an appointment. Generally, well over 80% of those who receive appointments do NOT get an LOA. I understand why people want them but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not despair if you are one of the 80%+ without one.
Second, on the question above re retaking the CFA -- I assume you're a male, not that it makes much difference in my advice. Your mile is great and your throw and shuttle run are ok. Pullups aren't exceptional for a guy (but great for a female) -- but will probably be passing. Push-ups are fine for a female, on the low side for a male but almost certainly passing.
The biggest concern I have with your scores is with your sit-ups, which are in the very low range (for either gender, as USNA believes both men and women should be able to peform an equal number). 35 would be clearly failing at USNA. I honestly don't know if this alone would cause you to fail the CFA but they are definitely on the very low end. You should be able to do 60 easily and, by the time you get to USNA, do 80 in 2 mins (we always did at least 85, of course
The good news is that situps are, IMO, the easiest area in which to improve. Just do situps every single day. There is all sorts of guidance re doing certain reps, etc. But if you simply do as many as you can in two minutes, two times a day, I guarantee you that you'll improve dramatically in 30 days. Ditto with pushups -- which would be better in the 40-50 range.
So, bottom line, if you can hold your scores steady in all areas and increase your situps to at least 60, and maybe your pushups to 45, your CFA will look a lot better. And yes, I would retake to put yourself in a stronger position.