
Oct 25, 2017
My son just completed my application and his status was changed into " complete pending review."
He got a email from regional couselor said he passed the CFA but at lower side so asked if he want to retake it he will hold the application.
Does he have to retake it?
I read the other post if he gets a lower score he couldn't take the old score. He is really busy at school now so he is not in shape now. He said he will do it at December but I'm not sure.
Is the CFA is really important?
His ACT is 34(math), 33(English) and his grade is top 6/600. He is a vasity swimmer and average activity and leadership.
Any opinion will be appreciated.
CFA is roughly 10% of your application. If the regional counselor asked him to retake it I think that he should. A strong CFA can put him ahead of an otherwise equal applicant.

Just my 0.02. Take it how you will.
My son just completed my application and his status was changed into " complete pending review."
He got a email from regional couselor said he passed the CFA but at lower side so asked if he want to retake it he will hold the application.
Does he have to retake it?
I read the other post if he gets a lower score he couldn't take the old score. He is really busy at school now so he is not in shape now. He said he will do it at December but I'm not sure.
Is the CFA is really important?
His ACT is 34(math), 33(English) and his grade is top 6/600. He is a vasity swimmer and average activity and leadership.
Any opinion will be appreciated.

Can you share his scores if you wouldn't mind? Just want to know what they're talking about when they mean that a candidates on the "lower end". Thanks.
Counselor said his score has a little bit of room for improvement.
He did it at the summer seminar he was told he passed the CFA. He did only 3 pull ups and his mile time was 8 mins.
I DD has never heard from her admissions counselor at all. Been CPR since August. Bad sign?
My DD never spoke to anyone in admissions in her entire application process. If you have legit questions, they are a resource to use along with this forum and the BGO.

She is in the class of 2020
The question is really how badly your DS wants to attend USNA.

The RD suggests your son retake. The RD isn't sending this email b/c he/she has nothing better to do all day. The RD apparently sees this as a potential weakness that could preclude an appointment. You say your DS is out of shape and is "busy" at school so doesn't have time to get into better shape. That sounds like USNA is not a priority for him.

Also, if he can't handle being really busy with academics and other things and being in shape year round, he will never succeed at USNA.

Apologize for being brutally honest but that's how I see it.
Thank you for the advices.
His counselor's actual comment is if he had a schedule for retake it or not.
He decided to do it again and he said he could do it but I just worried.
Thank you.
Some admission counselors, when screening a completed (without regard to DODMERB) application package and before it moves forward to the Admissions Board, might provide a "courtesy" email or phone call to the candidate with recommendations on areas where the application can be improved (i.e. CFA, SAT/ACT scores, etc.). The counselor will ask the candidate if he/she wants the opportunity to improve their record or let the application stand "as is" and move forward. I believe this is one of those situations. Typically, contact will only be made if it is in borderline areas (i.e. someone who received a 550 SAT score might be contacted vs. a 700 SAT --- the numbers I am using are just for example --- not ones actually in use). Also, some candidates are proactive and will ask Admissions to hold their record pending the results of a new SAT/ACT test or an additional attempt at a CFA. As OldNavyBGO said, not everyone will receive contact.
He passed the CFA with three pull-ups? Back to the drawing board for everyone on here who is trying to calculate the minimums...
Thank you for the advices.
His counselor's actual comment is if he had a schedule for retake it or not.
He decided to do it again and he said he could do it but I just worried.
Thank you.
Good that's he's decided to retake. When it comes down to selection time, there may be other applicants with exact packages (scores and everything else), who may have but done 4+ pull-ups.
Great! Suggest to him that he should work out with weights for increasing upper body strength and keep practicing those pull-ups daily.
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He passed the CFA with three pull-ups? Back to the drawing board for everyone on here who is trying to calculate the minimums...

I'm going to guess that he did really well on push-ups. USNA focuses on the PFT events -- pushups, crunches and the mile.

This is why it's pointless try to calculate minimums.
My son just completed my application and his status was changed into " complete pending review."
He got a email from regional couselor said he passed the CFA but at lower side so asked if he want to retake it he will hold the application.
Does he have to retake it?
I read the other post if he gets a lower score he couldn't take the old score. He is really busy at school now so he is not in shape now. He said he will do it at December but I'm not sure.
Is the CFA is really important?
His ACT is 34(math), 33(English) and his grade is top 6/600. He is a vasity swimmer and average activity and leadership.
Any opinion will be appreciated.
My DS is on the same boat as yours. He did his first CFA in early October. Three weeks later his BGO called to congratulate him having All 3Qs. But on that same day my DS received an email message from admission counselor regarding changing the admission status. The letter also clearly stated which areas my DS needed to improve which were ball throw and crunches. My son retook it yesterday and he has improved in all areas. I was so worry because it is now getting cold here in Pacific Northwest and it was cold rain when he did his final mile run which he beat his old time as well. I don’t know the average or minimum but the BGO says the goal is to do better than the last attempt. This time BT: 64 ft, pull up: 10, shuttle run: 8.4/8.9 sec, crunches:72, push up: 56, 1 mile run:6.45 min. I hope this help. Keep up with daily crunches, pull up, push up, jogging 3-5 miles 3 times per week as my son does then he will be good. As for leadership, it is as important as SAT/ACT scores. From my impression, service academies look for well rounded individuals to be the leaders. Chess team captain is as important as sport team captain or concertmaster in an orchestra. Best wishes to your son.
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As for leadership, it is as important as SAT/ACT scores. From my impression, service academies look for well rounded individuals to be the leaders. Chess team captain is as important as sport team captain or concertmaster in an orchestra. Best wishes to your son.

I am pretty certain you are wrong on both counts. 1. Academics - particularly the SAT/ACT scores appear much more heavily weighted than leadership. In the end USNA is a top tier academic institution and the 'academic' hurdle is much higher than the 'leadership' hurdle. 2. Believe what you want, but Captain of the chess team or Concertmaster in an orchestra is not nearly as important as sports team captain. If they were weighted equally, the SA's wouldn't place so much emphasis on physical fitness and sports (either intramural or intercollegiate - you have to be doing one or the other)

“Upon the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that upon other days and other fields will bear the fruits of victory,” wrote Douglas MacArthur in reminiscence of his days on West Point’s playing fields, which he credited with forming him and his classmates for the challenges of battle.

You will find no such quote regarding non-physically demanding activities.

Service Academies look for leaders that are well rounded, they are not looking for well rounded individuals to be leaders.
Under scholastic is the big umbrella including SAT/ACT scores, class rank, extracurricular acitivites. Here is the straight out from USNA admission: " As soon as all of your candidate packet forms are received, the Admissions Boards will determine your scholastic "whole person" qualification.”. Basically the candidates have to be very competitive in all the aspects under that umbrella. USNA also look at the strength of school rank “Yes. We look at how many graduates of your high school go on to four-year and two-year colleges and universities.” (FAQ section).
All I can say as a current plebe is that if he somehow gets in but is not physically prepared, plebe summer will be hell. We ran many miles per day, sometimes in outside in hot uniforms. He may pass the CFT but in reality it should only be used as a starting point for improvement. Even my friends here who maxed several events still didn't have it very easy. So to answer the question "Is the CFA important?" Maybe not as much for the application, but it provides a basis for how well he will do at USNA. I suggest looking at the PRT (physical readiness test) standards as well.