CG oil spill question


10-Year Member
Nov 28, 2007
We are now entering hurricane season, how will this impact the CG mission if a hurricane comes into the Gulf?
We are now entering hurricane season, how will this impact the CG mission if a hurricane comes into the Gulf?

ADM Allen discussed it at length yesterday and the day before. From what I recall, it will be about a 7-day turnaround to un-hook (technical term) the collection ships they have set up, take them to port, and then return. That's not counting the length of the storm.

I'm sure LITS has deeper knowledge on this, so I'll let him add more, since I'm highly in favor of first-hand input. :thumb:
Also, what would happen if a hurricane came and flooded a city with an oily mess?
To semi-quote a high ranking officer who was near me a day ago....

Hurricanes are good for a city, and neither is an oil spill. Having both won't make anything easier, although some believe a hurricane would break up some of the oil, hurricanes are unpredictable.

I'm hesitant to push too much information out in an unofficial capacity, given my proximity to the event.

When the information is being pushed out officially, I will post it here.