Chances of EA with non tech major and rated slot


Sep 23, 2015
Just wanted to see if I could get any help on the chances of getting an EA on a non tech degree. How much more difficult is it? I would be entering AFROTC as a sophomore. I'm currently a crew chief on F-16's in the Air Force and am weighing my options between AFROTC and AROTC. I will be separating soon. Thanks for the help!
Your chances are as good as anyone else's. They say you don't get brownie points on the boards for being prior but take that as you will. EA's are "easier" to get with tech degrees (there's more of them), while I disagree. Most who do not receive a non-tech EA didn't try hard enough, its really not that hard to get good grades. I was non-tech prior AF as well, got my EA and pilot slot. If you have any questions let me know, but make your choice on the jobs/life you want not your chances (my 2cents).
I agree with Zero I would really ask yourself which branch you will be happier with IF you don't get your top pick for career goals in either branch.

I would also I think in a way you do get an edge as a prior service from the CoCs ranking. If you look at historically, tech rated has the highest, but non-tech rated was the next highest. That being said, I thought I read that this year they did not ask cadets to sign off on the rated aspect for SFT like they did in the past few years.

I would also not only maintain good grades, but it is important to do well on the AFOQT because that score impacts you too. It is a chunk of the WCS. Thus, use this time to study the AFOQT. 1st impressions matter. As a sophomore in early fall you will take that test. So if you show up and pull a 90+ on the AFOQT, even as a non-tech, that will look better than you know because it is saying right off the bat you are a strong candidate.
Also if you go AF you can take the AFOQT whenever you want, study now get it over with before you are in college. It will make it much easier. Just call the testing office at your base. If that's what you decide.