Chances off the NWL?


5-Year Member
Apr 14, 2013
What are my chances from the NWL at this point in time? How many appointments usually go to candidates from the NWL? I've looked at old appointment threads, and aroundd this time of year, there were usually ~90 names...what implications does this carry?
What are my chances from the NWL at this point in time? How many appointments usually go to candidates from the NWL? I've looked at old appointment threads, and aroundd this time of year, there were usually ~90 names...what implications does this carry?

Top 150 of +- 1000 qualified, nominated and non appointed candidates will be offered appointment. No way on knowing where you are on this list unless you ask. Emailed RC and asked... was told DS WCS not at a level they typically get down to on the NWL... Email him/her and ask, it won't hurt your chances... or you could wait another month for the answer... Appointment acceptance is April 15th, perhaps a week or two after that before they have it all sorted out...

Best of Luck...
By Federal Law - at least 150 people must be admitted to WP from the NWL.

The people on this list all have nominations and are 3Qd by West Point. They are fully qualified in every way but they were not the "vacancy winners" in their Congressional Districts.