Cheating probe initiated

For a USAFA cadet or grad, what does honor probation consist of?
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Some honor code? You get to stay if you cheat?

Academy spokeswoman Lt. Col. Tracy Bunko said that because they are freshmen, if they are found to have cheated, they would most likely face an academic penalty and probation as punishment.

seems more like honor suggestion compared to the SMC - but I guess end of the day there is too much money invested to throw it out
I’m a ravenous consumer of information. I use numerous sources and still try to verify through other means.

Yellow Journalism though is not a new thing. The literature shows slanted news stories and agendas originating from New York and affiliated with a political party. I’d bet yellow journalism happened before then, but modern media and its influence on public policy and electoral decisions is recent but has long existed in the short history of the American experiment.

I agree. I have 3 high school teenagers in the home. What they call “news”, and may believe, is not what news used to be when I was in high school.

Information is evolving. It’s always available in the palm of our hand. Instagram. Snapchat Facebook. I funny. XXX website. They all offer “news”.

I DO, however, also believe the user is evolving. Perhaps more suspicious of Information than ever before. Yes, yellow journalism has always been around. But readers haven’t consumed “fake news”, slanted news, like they do in present day. Just for the fact it’s always there, in the palm of your hand, invited or not.