Civilian military lawyer


Nov 11, 2017
Hey guys,

I’m thinking about working for the military in the capacity stated above. I’m leaning navy but would think about all of the branches. Would I be able to apply to work at an office near me like any civilian job, or would I travel/deploy, like military personnel?

Second, would I get to travel sometimes? If I were navy, for example, could I be sent on a ship or to a base somewhere for short periods of time? I would love to do this, I just wouldn’t want to be forced to move for months or years at a time.

I'm not really sure what you mean by Civilian Military Lawyer. If you're a civilian lawyer then that's what you would be, you could specialize in Military Law but you would not be a part of the Navy. I would imagine that you would only travel if you had to visit a client that was not in your hometown. Since you would not be in the Navy, I'm sure the Navy would not be deploying you.

If your plan is to be a civilian lawyer specializing in the military without actually ever being in the military and JAG, remember that you will be competing with other lawyers that have served and have a great deal of experience with the UCMJ.
I'm not really sure what you mean by Civilian Military Lawyer. If you're a civilian lawyer then that's what you would be, you could specialize in Military Law but you would not be a part of the Navy. I would imagine that you would only travel if you had to visit a client that was not in your hometown. Since you would not be in the Navy, I'm sure the Navy would not be deploying you.

If your plan is to be a civilian lawyer specializing in the military without actually ever being in the military and JAG, remember that you will be competing with other lawyers that have served and have a great deal of experience with the UCMJ.

I know that you can work for the military as a civilian, and being a lawyer is one of those career paths. I think for navy it’s called office of general counsel, and their website seems to say that they hire recent grads.
Yep - OGC lawyer, civil service.

I ran into many of those during my career, and they work at the Pentagon and major staffs (headed up by senior admirals and generals). They do complex policy, rules of engagement, contract law, admiralty law, environmental law, etc. and serve as advisors. They don’t deploy with units, in my experience, though they may travel as business requires. They work in all Federal branches, departments and agencies.

Some are prior service military JAGs, many are straight civilian-to-Fed service hires.
Well there you go, I learn something new everyday, like doing a little research before I post something.
To the OP.

I would suggest using Linked-In (you will probably have to create a profile) and running a search for "NAVY OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL." You will find the profiles of many current and former members of the OGC. Using the Linked-In website, you can then reach out to a number of these lawyers and ask them about their path in reaching that position and to get feedback on their career satisfaction. Just identify yourself as an aspiring attorney who is interested in the OGC as a career.

Good luck!
I considered the same career path after college, but got caught in other things and never pursued it. Good luck OP, I think this is a great career choice.
The Air Force actually has a program for civilians to deploy...however they’re year long deployments typically and I’m not sure how many civilian lawyers they’d need. Basically, you put your name up as a volunteer and they’ll contact you if a spot comes open in your civilian “career field”. I’ve seen a few of these packages go up and be approved, get assignments and civilians actually go out the door.
It's been a long time, but I want to know how you are doing? Are you working as a civilian military lawyer?