I thought the purpose of this forum was to assist candidates in their quest for admissions to the service academies. I never knew that it was to pass judgment based on incomplete information, to make disparaging remarks about government agencies, and for “super moderators” to jump on the inflammatory bandwagon without even bothering to read the entire thread.
xchef, google “cheating in high school”. Seventy-five percent of high school students cheat regularly and see no problem with it. The problem is becoming worse each year. The more competitive the high school and the higher the college stakes, the more prevalent the cheating. Guess which 25% doesn’t? Those who don’t care. Your son is not in that group. USNA established an Ethics Dept eight years or so ago to combat this very scourge. They will help him see the light and make him capable of honorably leading our enlisted troops. Whoa, stop, you say I don’t have a right to make such assumptions about your son. I have the same right to do this as you have to make similar comments about Exar Ganus. You have no clue what he put on his applications. Quit making assumptions.
Super moderator, the reason I am no longer on this forum is because you deleted a similar, but, to me, positive constructive post to EG, to which he and I were starting a dialogue. You now come along, again don’t bother reading the entire thread, where this time he stated that, on his applications, he had simply changed his proposed career from CIA to Government Worker (yep, huge lie there) and you jump on the bandwagon and make a similar yet very negative post. Unsat.
And lastly, xchef, do the members of the CIA and NSA not demand our respect and loyalty since they are also a part of our government. To what do you base your assumption that they do not respect truth and honor.
You guys have no idea what is going on in either EGs life or his mind. Until you do, stick to facts and don’t make self-serving posturing inflammatory assumptions. Just, assuming from my apparent worth by the super moderators on this forum, my 2 cents.