Claiming an interest in the CIA for College?


10-Year Member
Aug 5, 2007
3 of my colleges asked if I was interested in any particular career, and I listed a couple, two of them being the CIA and DIA. Would liberal schools reject me for stating that? I didn't really think about it until now, and I'm getting really scared.

EG, Liberal schools/ all schools are looking for students who will contribute to the diversity of their student population. If you are interested in a career in the CIA or DIA then you were absolutely correct in stating that. Even having students in ROTC increases diversity. Colleges want to give their students a well rounded education...including being exposed to a diverse student body. Your chances will not be hurt by stating what your real career goals are. The fact that you have career goals is a positive attribute. There is a school out there for you. Patience...try running more...:wink:
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Thank You Antoinette, I'm glad to hear that from you. I was starting to get really nervous.:smile:
There are a good number of liberals in the CIA, which I thought a little odd, but that's just me....just a little FYI.
There are a good number of liberals in the CIA, which I thought a little odd, but that's just me....just a little FYI.

There are good numbers of liberals everywhere in government, including the Department of Defense. Liberals tend to believe that government is a force for good. I observe that they gravitate toward civilian government positions more than do conservatives, who tend to believe that limited government is best. That's my observation.
Exar, can you clarify? Do you mean liberal school or liberal arts school?
Oh I agree. It wasn't the service part of it I've found odd. It's the fact that organizations in the intelligence community (including the CIA, NSA, and DIA) are demonized so often, many times by liberals. Of course, my personal opinion is that there are liberals (and conservatives) who will cry about things they know nothing about, and then liberals (and conservatives) who serve, in some capacity, but have different political/social beliefs.

I have very conservative friends and very liberal friends, as well as coworkers. The world would be a scary place without some balance or at least differing views.
I meant liberal schools. Does anyone know if William and Mary is a liberal school? What about a place like Tulane?

Being in New Orleans, I'm pretty sure Tulane is liberal. I hope I didn't screw my chances with them already.

I think Liberal Arts Schools can indeed by Conservative. IE. VMI :rolleyes:
I don't think Tulane is any more liberal than an average State University. It is certainly no Wesleyan.

Tulane has fine ROTCs from recent memory. The programs seem well run with great unit camaraderie. I didn't hear of any biased treatment from admissions, faculty or students.

Do you live in New Orleans?
you also might want to find out if any government agency comes to the college for recruitment..... they do at some and not for others, just based on past history... I know that the FBI does it big time at Mount Saint Mary's University in MD, they usually sign up about 6-8 people a visit a year. I know this because my brother is an accountant and had an offer. He decided not to take it(pay too low to live in d.c.) You don't need them to come to you, but it really does help you get your foot in. Also, if anyone wants to work with DOD or some other agency like that in the field of computers etc, you would have better luck with a contractor(like my other bro with Booz Allen) I'm not too sure with how you would go about with the CIA too much besides the average way. Also, your advancement in these agencies really depends on your clearance above all things....
There are a good number of liberals in the CIA, which I thought a little odd, but that's just me....just a little FYI.

You have no idea. Explains a whole lot, IMO. :rolleyes:

I'm related to one of them. :eek:

Liberal schools... are looking for students who will contribute to the diversity of their student population.

:yllol: :yllol: :yllol: :yllol: :yllol:

Yeah, so long as it's a diversity they agree with. Try wearing a T-shirt with a Conservative message on it through your nearest Liberal school and see how "diverse", "open-minded", and "tolerant" they are of it!

Good luck! :thumb:
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liberal vs. conservative schools

It does work both ways however. I teach at a large-Midwest-land grant-public university, (Purdue University--35,000+ students), and it is fairly conservative. If you walk around in a T-shirt with a liberal message on it, you will be criticized and treated just as harshly by the majority some times. So I guess it just depends where you are, not so much the message itself.

I firmly believe that too many students gravitate towards colleges that hold exactly the same views they do, and at their young age, that is a mistake. Everyone should have their value and belief structure challenged (in a non-confrontational way) sometime in their lives; it makes you think about it harder. If your belief structure can't hold up to an opposing argument, then maybe you should reconsider your beliefs. But if it is well thought out and can be supported, having your belief structure challenged can only make it stronger and force you to truly understand why you feel the way you do. that is the very nature of education.

Enough of my soapbox :smile:

Thanks for everyones input on this board. Us newbies appreciate it.

(a moderate professor, from a conservative school, with a libertarian daughter who is trying to get into the USCGA!)
And I think the CIA has recruited on our campus in the past...don't know about this year. But I know the TSA is coming as has the FBI.
Although I am convinced that you are all right.. by the fact it won't hurt me, I changed it to "Government Service". The reason I did this is because there is no telling where you might end up. BUT.. one day I hope I can make it into Camp Perry :biggrin:
mnolan- Purdue was one of my top back-ups, would have loved to go there (esp since my father is a grad!)
CIA may be a good choice for you

You seem to have a sense of ambiguity about the truth and honor. These are qualities the CIA and No Such Agency may be looking for.
I don't think the CIA or the NSA like being lied to during the application process.
EG, how many times are you going to ask the same question?

You ask us if it's OK to fib on your application to the SA's. We say no.

You now ask if it's OK to fib on an application to a regular school. What makes you think anyone will change their answer?

Also, as mentioned by LITS, what makes you think that any intelligence agency would want someone who admits to lying in a situation where it was not even remotely warranted?

Haven't you gotten the hint yet? :mad:
Ah hah! I like that LITS.....that's a little easier than people alternating between Line and Sand.
I thought the purpose of this forum was to assist candidates in their quest for admissions to the service academies. I never knew that it was to pass judgment based on incomplete information, to make disparaging remarks about government agencies, and for “super moderators” to jump on the inflammatory bandwagon without even bothering to read the entire thread.

xchef, google “cheating in high school”. Seventy-five percent of high school students cheat regularly and see no problem with it. The problem is becoming worse each year. The more competitive the high school and the higher the college stakes, the more prevalent the cheating. Guess which 25% doesn’t? Those who don’t care. Your son is not in that group. USNA established an Ethics Dept eight years or so ago to combat this very scourge. They will help him see the light and make him capable of honorably leading our enlisted troops. Whoa, stop, you say I don’t have a right to make such assumptions about your son. I have the same right to do this as you have to make similar comments about Exar Ganus. You have no clue what he put on his applications. Quit making assumptions.

Super moderator, the reason I am no longer on this forum is because you deleted a similar, but, to me, positive constructive post to EG, to which he and I were starting a dialogue. You now come along, again don’t bother reading the entire thread, where this time he stated that, on his applications, he had simply changed his proposed career from CIA to Government Worker (yep, huge lie there) and you jump on the bandwagon and make a similar yet very negative post. Unsat.

And lastly, xchef, do the members of the CIA and NSA not demand our respect and loyalty since they are also a part of our government. To what do you base your assumption that they do not respect truth and honor.

You guys have no idea what is going on in either EGs life or his mind. Until you do, stick to facts and don’t make self-serving posturing inflammatory assumptions. Just, assuming from my apparent worth by the super moderators on this forum, my 2 cents.
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