I would definetly think so for Airborne, since the lights in the plane for jumping are green and red. Red= no jump, green = jump. If you can't discern between these 2 than you could never be a jump master nor a jumper.
I would think Ranger would be the same, since it would limit the Army into which post they can send. Jumping is a volunteer position, as is Ranger, but it wouldn't make since for Ranger school to accept someone with limitations over the person who doesn't.
I would look at it this way, you can be in one specialty with limitations, but not in another part. I.E. be an SP with allergies, but not be an SP that is a part of the K-9 patrol.
Or you can be in acquisitions, with some hearing loss, but not in field artillery due to that loss. We have people in the AF that have many dq's for all sorts of reasons, but they are still in the AF, just serving in a different capacity. It happens quite frequently with fliers...they get in, but somewhere along the line something pops up and so they move over into a different world.