I have many questions that are impeding my process to complete the Navy application
First of all, be sure you've tried to answer the questions yourself. Start with the usna.edu website under "Admissions." It's a pretty good, step-by-step discussion of what you need to do and how to do it. Also, search this site. There are LOTS of questions that have been asked and answered over the past 10 years. You might find an answer to yours. The stickies above also have useful information. As the above poster said, you need to own your application process.
If you have a truly novel issue -- and some folks do -- try to sort out who is the best person to answer it. USNA Admissions (including your RD) is the best option for issues related to medical status, teacher recs, the CIS system, residency issues for noms, SAT score submission, CFA retakes, etc. BGOs can answer general questions about the admissions process. MOC coordinators are the best to address questions regarding nominations.
In terms of the BGO interview, read the sticky above for details. The short version is that most BGOs won't set up interviews until you have 50-100% of your packet complete. If that is the ONLY thing that remains, then send a polite email to the BGO letting him/her know that your packet is 100% complete other than the interview and you'd like to set it up at a mutually convenient time and place as soon as reasonably possible.
Most BGOs try to get back to candidates promptly. However, people do travel for business, take vacations, get sick, etc. which could delay things for a bit. This is also prime vacation season. That said, sadly, a small number of BGOs are terrible about communicating with candidates. If you don't hear back in 7-10 days, send a polite follow-up email. If continued efforts to contact the BGO fail, then either contact Admissions or contact your Area Coordinator (who coordinates BGOs in your area) and indicate you've had trouble making contact. However, this should be a last resort after repeated attempts over weeks have failed.