Congressional Interview


Sep 18, 2018
Hi, I have my congressional interview tomorrow and I had some questions that I couldn't find in the other threads.

First of all, would it be better for me to memorize this word by word:

Midshipmen are persons of integrity: They stand for that which is right.
They tell the truth and ensure that the truth is known.
They do not lie.

They embrace fairness in all actions. They ensure that work submitted as their own is their own, and that assistance received from any source is authorized and properly documented.
They do not cheat.

They respect the property of others and ensure that others are able to benefit from the use of their own property.
They do not steal.

I knew the sentences in bold, but I felt like I should know more; I want to be as prepared as I can be.

Secondly, for my BGO interview they asked me how I felt about the honor concept but I wasnt sure what they were looking for. How would some of you guys answer?

Lastly, I've read that they might ask you unique questions like, "Can you kill a person if you're commanded to?" What are some of the odd questions that some of you were asked?

Thank you all:)
It seems like the bold font didn't go through...I meant the last sentences of each paragraph (they do not lie, cheat, steal)
I was asked things along the line of what you mentioned, but more of a "What are your reservations, how do you make those decisions" type of way. I've heard of people asked about collateral damage and what they would do stuck between an objective and civilian casualty. I was told by a BGO that as long as you're honest, thoughtful, and your ultimate intent is to help the Navy, you should be fine. Those are tough questions for sure! As for the specific honor codes, I was asked that too, but in more of a general sense. It'd probably be a bonus to know it word for word IMO. Good luck and hope you get that nom!
@sophieee, I would be very, very, very surprised if you were asked to recite the midshipman’s creed, or whatever that’s called. At plebe summer, for sure, but not in a MOC panel interview. Know the concepts, understand them, but no need to memorize.

As for the concept of honor, please don’t look to people on this forum to provide you an answer. The question is, “what do you think?” Don’t answer with what you think the panel wants to hear, answer with what’s true to you. Panels are very smart and have sensitive BS detectors. Be honest, be genuine, be authentic.