Critical Race Theory (CRT) at USAFA

I would rather see USAFA conduct an apolitical program as required by federal law. The academy leadership has no business trying to indoctrinate Cadets into a politically left or right leaning program. Conducting classes, offering guest speakers, and completing military training should always be balanced to avoid the appearance of political indoctrination.
The problem with CRT, or ANY similar project, is that it isn't intended to TEACH people to be anti-racist/sexist/misogynist/particular religion, etc. The problem is; most individuals who are promoting such education is trying to label certain people as victims and provide excuses. They are trying to develop an opinion that somehow others need to "Make it up" to certain groups in some way.

The same thing happened in the 70's with "Affirmative Action". It's intent was to provide opportunities to certain groups of people to "Level" the playing field. Unfortunately, people were hired, promoted, accepted to schools, etc. based solely on their skin color, gender, etc. and not on their qualifications. It lead to a major downfall in quality, productivity, and social acceptance. It created a bigger divide among different races and gender. The same thing is happening with CRT.

All that needs to be done is for people to "LEARN HISTORY". And learn from that history so we don't make the same mistakes again. But you can't try and "Make it up" or "Pay Back" any particular group of people. But that is what's being asked. A white male isn't being taught WHY a black, woman, gay, muslim, etc. should be afforded all the same opportunities. They're being taught that ALL of these classes of people ARE being discriminated against and are as a disadvantage, BECAUSE YOU are a WHITE MALE. (Or whatever group seems dominant and pertinent to the motive the group has). And that you SHOULD be ASHAMED of yourself. And it's all YOUR Fault. The truth is; most people in our country, in most cities/towns/etc. in our country, have basically the same opportunities. The only real advantage/disadvantage factor is economics. We all know a lot of very successful people; doctors, lawyers, politicians, business owners, CEO's of companies, etc. that are black, hispanic, women, gay, christian, muslim, etc. We also know of a lot of poor and unsuccessful people. Including white christian men.

Our country is exponentially much better TODAY about race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. then it was 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ years ago. And it's NOT because of CRT, affirmative action, or any other social program that someone tries to invent in order to "Control People", We are better today, because we learn from our past. We evolve socially and psychologically. But there will always be those who need to make others feel they are victims. The only way someone/group/political party/etc. can CONTROL people, is if they can make those people feel they NEED or are DEPENDENT, If people weren't told they are victims and that they are accountable for their own actions; and they can't blame others; and that they CAN be successful and their future is up to them...... Then the groups/people/politicians/etc. wouldn't have any power or control over them. But as long as they can be on public assistance, made to feel they are a victim, be able to blame someone or society for their failures and inappropriate actions, etc. then they will always be able to be controlled.